
Collector 12 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal

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Collector Twelve Face Rudraksha Of Nepal – Lab Certified

Size :  27 mm – 28 mm



Product Name : Collector 12 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal / Twelve Face Rudraksha

Dimension : 27.35 mm * 24.33 mm * 16.83 mm

Origin :  Nepal

Description :

12 Mukhi Rudraksha is the Centre of Brilliancy and Lustre and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The Sun (SURYA). The wearer of this Rudraksha gets the quality of Surya to move continuously with brilliant radiance and strength. This Rudraksha gives knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures and is found miraculously effective. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most important Rudraksha to be worn by any person who needs to attract knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures. This Rudraksha is the most useful for the administrators.

Benefit’s :

The person who wears the 12 Mukhi Rudraksha gets administrative capacity limitlessly. The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha must be worn by politicians and businessmen and aspirants of name and fame. Wearing 12 mukhi Rudraksha increases self image and motivation. Gives happiness and material gains and protects from accidents.

Excerpts from Holy Books :

Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter V verse 25 to 26 it is stated “According to Jabala, instinct for wearing Rudraksha results only after attaining the perfection of Vedas and Blessings of Lord Siva during preceding births”.

The 12 Gifts of Surya

Om Mitraya Namaha
Light of Universal Friendship

Om Ravaye Namaha
Light of Compelling Radiance

Om Suryaya Namaha
Dispeller of Darkness or Ignorance

Om Bhanave Namaha
Shining Principle

Om Khagaya Namaha
All Pervadeing Light

Om Pushne Namaha
Light of Mystic Fire

Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha
Golden Colored One Healing Gold

Om Marichaye Namaha
Light obvious and subtle as at dawn and dusk

Om Aditaya Namaha
Light of the Sage an aspect of Vishnu

Om Savitre Namaha
Light of Enlightenment

Om Arkaya Namaha
Light That Removes Afflictions

Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Brilliance The Light of Intelligence

11th Skand Chapter IV verse 27 to 29 it is stated “Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha appeases Surya and provides the benefit that accrues from Gomedha and Asvamedha yajnas. It dispels fear of armed men, horned animals and lion. Its wearer never suffers from physical and mental pains. Thus it makes the man fearless and trouble free to lead the life like the god himself.”

Symbol of :  Lord Sun / Surya

Ruling Planet : Sun

Recommended for :  Heart Disease, Lung Disease, Skin Disease, Hiatus of Stomach, Esophagus, and Bowel Problems, self power ,release of stress & anger .

Mantras :
Wearing Mantra : “Shree Suryay Namah”

Beeja Mantra : “OM Krom Srom Rom Namah”

Rituals for wearing 12 Faced Rudraksha  / How to Wear Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha

Twelve Faced Rudraksha can be capped with gold / silver / PanchDhatu  or  worn in thread  round the neck or on hand after  chanting the mantra & also after salute (Namaskar ) to Surya (sun).

Day For Wearing  : Sunday



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