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Kamakhya Devi Shilla

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Product Name : Kamakhya Devi Shilla

Weight : 118 gms 

Dimension : 2.75 inches * 2.75 inches 

Description : 
Goddess Kamakhya or Kamakhya Devi is an important Hindu Tantric goddess of desire who evolved in the Himalayan hills. Kamakhya Devi is worshipped as Siddha Kubjika and is also identified as Goddess Kali & Goddess Maha Tripura Sundari. She is also called as the great goddess of illusion who takes on many forms depending on her mood. Devotees also knew her as Kameshwari means beloved goddess of desire.
Kamakhya Temple is dedicated to the Kamakhya Devi, Who fulfils all the desires and provides protection. This temple is one of the fifty-one Shakti Pithas.Being one of the oldest temples in India it is also known as the Kamrup-Kamakhya. Kamakhya Temple forms the principal temple along with other temples which are dedicated to ten goddesses i.e. Kali, Tara, Sodashi, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Bhuvaneshwari, Chhinnamasta, Matangi & Kamalatmika. Kamakhya Temple is where the womb and the vagina of Goddess Sati fell. This Kamakhya temple holds a special significance for Shakti and the Tantra Vidya Sadhaks. Devotees flock to the Kamakhya temple to receive the Kamiya sindoor which is found once a year in the month of June.This sindoor is in rock-solid form and is much sought after for its miraculous properties which bring the blessings of the Goddess to you.

Benefits of Kamakhya Shaligram : 
– Worshipping Kamakhya Shaligram gives protection against black magic or those who envy you and try to perform black magic on you.
– This shila is very powerful for winning over enemies, legal cases and other disputes.
– It is also best for prosperity & good health.
– It is beneficial for appeasing all the nine planets and removing the doshas associated with them.
– Worship Kamakhya Devi Shaligram is also beneficial for conceiving a child for those couples who are unable to have a child


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