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Lord Vishnu On Garuda Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram

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Stroy of Gajendra Moksha

Lord Vishnu  Sitting on Garuda Protect Elephant (Gajendra) From Crocodile


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Product Name : Lord Vishnu on Garuda Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram

Dimension :  2.5 inches (Height) * 1.20 inches (Base)

Weight : 46 gm

Design :

In this idol Lord vishnu having four hands , holding shankh , chakra and other hands are in abhay and vrada mudra , Sitting on Garuda to Protect the Gajendra (Elephant) who offering (lifted) a Lotus with the help of his trunk , to get protection from Crocodile , carved on vishnu shaligram having 2 chakras . 

Description :

Gajendra Moksham : (The Liberation of Gajendra)

One of the most famous stories of Vishnu is the Gajendra Moksham episode, described the Eighth Skanda of the Srimad Bhagavatam. Once a king named Indradyumna, who was a great devotee of Vishnu, was cursed to be born as an elephant named Gajendra. Gajendra’s leg was once caught by a crocodile (originally a Gandharva king Huhu but was suffering under a similar curse). So Gajendra, remembering the greatness of Vishnu from his time as a human, started praying to him for help. So Vishnu came riding on Garuda, killing the crocodile with his Sudarshana Chakra and granting Moksha to his elephant devotee Gajendra.



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