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Kapila Narsimha Shaligram
Kapila Narasimha Shaligram Black color , Round Shape body , Big opening having 2 clear big chakras on the left side of the opening , with mark of big fangs , mark of dots . -
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RajaRajeshwara Shaligram
RajaRajeshwari Salagram Three opening having 2 chakras in each , with single chakra , golden spots , mark of umbrella , mark of bow , arrow , quiver , kundala , padma , plough , shankha and ankusha marks . -
Hamsa Shaligram
Hamsa Salagram Blue Black color , D Shape body , 1 opening - 2 chakras with lotus joint , -
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Laxmi Narayan Murti On Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Lakshmi Narayana Murti Carved on Golden Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Tirupati Balaji Murti On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Tirupati Balaji / Srinivasa / Venkatewara Murti Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram  -
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Sita Rama Murti / Ram Darbar Idol On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Ram Darbar Murti Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram -
Vishnu Shaligram
Vishnu Salagram Smooth and Black color body , Big opening having 2 clear chakra mark on the left side , Vanamala and lotus marks , mark of shankha , mace , sword , depression at the centre . -
Shridhara Shaligram
Shridhara Salagram Black color body , smooth , Single opening having 2 clear chakras at right side of the opening , vanamala mark , golden spots , lotus lines . -
Madana Gopala Shaligram
Madana Gopala Shaligram Black color ,Vanamala Marks , Kalpavriksha marks , Golden spots , Ear Ring signs , 1 opening - 2Â equal charkas -
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Taarksya Shaligram / Garuda Murti Shaligram
Garuda Murti Shaligram Long Shape like a pillar , two garuda sign , 1 opening - 2 equal chakras , dots , encircling vanamala marks -
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Kapila Yagna Shaligram
Yagna Shaligram Red and yellow , with greenish tinge mix color body , 1 opening : 2 chakras on left side with Mark of Sacrificial Sticks (Sruk and Sruva) on right sideÂ