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Natural Basra Pearl – 3.83 Carats
[embed][/embed] Natural Basra Pearl Certified from : Shri Zaveri Mahajan Zaverat & Moti Tolai Charitable Trust -
Shankara Narayana Shaligram
Shankara Narayana Shaligram Shaligram having single opening with 2 clear big chakras and having Clear shiva linga mark on side with golden color impression , golden color spots , -
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Sacred Adwaitya Golden Laxmi Kalpa Vriksha MahaVishnu Samundra Manthan Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Laxmi Kalpa Vriksha MahaVishnu Samundra Manthan Shaligram Weight : 260 gms Dimension : 3 inches * 2.5 inches -
Govardhana Krishna Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Govardhana Gopala Shaligram Blue - Black color , 1 opening - 2 chakras , Golden spots , mark of kalasha , ear rings , dots , lotus lines , shankha , and vanamala . -
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Pradyumna Shaligram
BahuChiddra Pradyumna Salagram Blue Black color , Small and Elongated body , single Elongated opening having 2 chakras , many holes , mark of shankha , mace , lotus lines , ear rings , cow foot print , vanamala , umbrella , bow , arrow , quiver , and many others -
Harihara Shaligram
Harihar Shaligram Single opening on top side having Clear shiva Nabhi Rekha , golden and yellow mix color impression . -
Harihara Shaligram
Harihar Shaligram Single opening on top side having Clear shiva Nabhi Rekha , golden color impression . -
Lord Hanuman Idol In Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Product Name : Lord Hanuman Idol In Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram Weight : 331 gm Dimension : 3.5 inches (height) / Width : 3 inches / 2 inches * 1.5 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful idol of Lord Hanuman Carved … Readmore -
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Lord Hanuman Idol In Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Product Name : Lord Hanuman Idol In Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram Weight : 187 gm Dimension : 3.75 inches (height) / Width : 2.5 inches / 1.5 inches * 1 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful idol of Lord Hanuman Carved … Readmore -