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VataPatrashayi Shaligram
Black color body ,Single opening having 2 clear chakras , mark of shankha sign on left side with white color impression and lotus sign on right side , also showing the mark of Vatapatra (leaf of banyan tree) with white and yellow color impression . -
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Surya Kalpa Vriksha Laxmi Narasimha Samundra Manthan Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Surya Kalpa Vriksha Laxmi Narasimha Samundra Manthan Shaligram Weight : 319 gms Dimension : 4 inches * 3 inches Samudra Manthan Shaligram Shila | Significance of Samudra Manthan Shaligram As per (Hari Bhakti Vilasa … Readmore -
Jwala Narsimha Shaligram
Jwala Narasimha Shaligram Big opening , Lion's Face , Clear Fangs Marks Near the opening , with 2 Big Chakras , Golden Color Impression . -
Aniruddha Shaligram
Aniruddha Shaligram Round Shape , Black Color body , Single opening having 2 equal chakras , mark of white lines at the bottom . -
Murari Shaligram
Single opening having 2 clear chakras , also showing clear Mark of lotus on the right side of opening . -
Sita Rama Shaligram
Taraka Brahma SitaRama Shaligram Blue black color with lot of golden color impression , Rose apple shape , 3 opening - 2 chakras in each , total 6 chakras , mark of bow , arrow and quiver , cow foot print , lotus mark , mark of vanamala