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Ganesha Idol In Pure Sphatik – 240 gms
Lord Ganesha In Pure Quartz Crystal - Lab Certified -
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Bala Rama Shaligram
Balarama Salagram Conch , Chakra , Mace , Plough , Quiver and Arrow Marks , 1 opening - 2 circulars. -
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Akasha Narsimha Shaligram
Akasha Narasimha Shaligram Shape like a lion , Unclear chakras at the centre of opening -
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DakshinaMurthy Shaligram
Product Name : DakshinaMurthy Shaligram Weight : 509 gm Dimension : 4.5 inches * 4 inches Description : Dakshinamurthy is an aspect of the Hindu god shiva as a guru (teacher) of all types of knowledge. This aspect of Shiva … Readmore -
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha – 109 Beads
Guru Kantha - 109 Beads Strung In Traditional Style With Knots.