Sphatik Rudraksha Bracelet

Available: In stock

Crystal Rudraksha Wrist Mala



Product Name : Sphatik Rudraksha Bracelet / Crystal Rudraksha Wrist Mala

Design : Bracelet Made in Metal wire with German Silver Clasp on the end.

Number of beads: 63 (Rudraksha ) & 24 (Sphatik)

Length: 7 inches (from ist end till last end including metal clasp)

Beads size : Rudraksha : 6 mm , Spahtik : 6.5 mm

Description :
Bracelet made of Sphatik beads (Faceted Cut) and Rudraksha beads (5 mukhi) .

This is a combination of Faceted cut crystal / Sphatik and Rudraksha beads and forms an elegant ornamentation for the wrist. Sphatik represents the cool and calm Goddess Parvati and Rudraksha represents the fiery Lord Shiva. Shiva and Parvati being consorts this bracelet is symbol of their union hence also represents love and harmony. This three layered bracelet strung in thread forms a stunning jewelry with powerful energy.


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