How To Reach Haridwar

How To Reach Haridwar

Air : In the region Air Services are available only upto Jollygrant airport in Dehradun which has one airport, Jolly Grant. Haridwar is 35 kms. from Jolly Grant.

Rail : This major pilgrimage center has been well connected by trains to all the major towns of India. In fact trains bring the major load of pilgrims and tourist inflow to Haridwar.

Road : Haridwar, on the main highway, is connected to all major centers in the region and other parts of the country by road. The national high way no.45 crosses through the city so it is connected to other cities of the State as well as other towns in India in an efficient manner. There are buses available from Delhi to this place. The state transport has ordinary as well as deluxe and semi-deluxe buses on this route for long distance travel. There are private buses which take you to nearby places and also some of these private deluxe buses run on the long distance routes.

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