Legend of Heera Shankh

Legend of Heera Shankh
There is a beautiful story that exist behind the Heera Shankhs. Thousands of years back an old poor lady named Heera-ujwala used to stay in a village at North East India. Earlier River Ganges used to flow from there and falls at the ocean. She was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. Once upon a time an epidemic spread in her village and the villagers started dying in high numbers. Her two sons and their wives too came in the grip of that epidemic and caught the disease. To save the lives of her sons, daughters in law and the rest of the inmates of the village and bring the prosperity again in the village, she was told in her dream to do penance, fasting and worship of Laxmi Narayan. Since she was as such an ardent devotee, immediately she decided to do severe penance to please Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. In the course of her doing the severe penance without eating anything, in front of fire ( Yajna), Lord Vishnu appeared and promised her that very soon the village will be free from all epidemic and all affected village inmates will soon be blessed with good health. But to bring prosperity she was advised to worship Dakshinavarty Laxmi Shankh as Goddess Laxmi can be pleased easily with the worship of Dakshinavarty Shankh. It is said that she was given a very big sized Dhakshinavarty Right side Laxmi Shankh by the Lord Himself. With the blessings of Lord Vishnu very soon the village was free from diseases. However, Heera-ujwala continued her penance to please Goddess Laxmi. It is said that since Heera-ujwala was gifted with the biggest Dakshinavarty Shankh by the Lord Himself, rest of the Dakshinavarty Shanks along with their insects inside too in the ocean came close to the big Shankh where Heera-ujwala was doing her penance. While she was performing the penance, it is said that very heavy rains started and due to heavy storm the water from the ocean started overflowing all around. One strong wave of ocean came where Heera-ujwala was doing her penance and unlit the Agni Jwala(the fire which was lit while performing the yajna) and destroyed the complete place and taken away all Ahutis and donations like fruits, utensils etc. along with the wave itself to the ocean. This made the Heera-ujawala very sad and in the rage of anger she cursed that the place be immediately be relieved of ocean and become plain. That place had number of water species especially there was a high concentration of Dakshinavarti Shankhs, since all Dakshinavarty Shankhs have moved to that place and suddenly when the water receded, these species remained there and could not go back to the ocean. All the Shanks and other species became fossilised Shankhs lika a stones including the big Dakshinavarty Shankh of Heera-ujwala. Since the species was endangered, Lord Varuna (the God of ocean) pleaded Goddess Laxmi to save the species. Goddess Laxmi immediately appeared where the Heera-ujawala was performing the penence and requested her to take the curse back. Heera-ujwala told Goddess Laxmi that now her Shankh has also became like a stone how can she continue her penance. Goddess Laxmi promised Heera-ujwala that hence forth all the worshipper of these Stone (Heera) Shankhs will be blessed with immense fortune. Since the number of Dakshivavarty Shankhs has greatly reduced the effect of Stone Shankhs will be comparable to the Dakshinavarty Shankhs. Since most of the Dakshinavarty Shankhs got converted into Stone Shankhs the Dakshinavarty Shankh has become very very rare. Goddess Laxmi further given a boon that all the stone Shankhs will be glittering with gems and precious stones. Heera-ujwala continued her penance with the Stone Shankh, Goddess Laxmi became very happy with her devotion and severe penance and given her the boon that her whole village will prosper and there will never any scarcity of food and other things. All the Shankhs which had turned into stones were named as Heera Shankhs. The Shankhs after millions of years became fossilised and were embedded with beautiful gems and diamonds. The Heera Shankhs are also very rare and are not easily available. The Heera Shankhs like Dakshinavarty Shankhs are right sided Shankhs and very similar to the properties of the Dakshinavarty Shankhs. The worshipper of Heera Shankhs is blessed with immense fortune and luck. The japa of the Goddess Laxmi mantra needs to be done using the sphatik mala. The Heera Shankhs are most beautiful Shankhs that can happen on the Earth, by virtue of the presence of different coloured gems and precious stones and can take the devotee to the Laxmi Siddhi. It is highly recommended to keep Heera Shankhs in the puja room or Altar. Heera Shankha is also called Pahadi Shankha (conch from mountains). It is used in worship of Goddess Lakshmi, especially by the tantriks. It opens like the Dakshinavarti Shankh. It is found in the mountains and has sparkling crystal like substance in the opening and sometimes on the shell also. Its dull from outer crust but Its inner portion shines like diamonds.Being rare,it is costly. Worship of this Shankh attracts prosperity and abundance. There is one more ancient Tibetan text available which states that Guru Matsyendranath was as famous as Gorakhnath in the field of Tantra. It is said that when it comes to the highest level of Sadhanas Guru Matsyendranath was even more accomplished than Guru Gorakhnath. He had accomplished a very secret Sadhana related to Goddess Lakshmi using Heera Shankh.

Have a bath and wear a clean Dhoti. Sit on the floor without any mat facing the North. Place a Heera Shankh before yourself. Then with a sphatik rosary chant 31 rounds of the following Mantra.

“Ayeim Yam Ram Shreem Yam Froum Kreem Phat”.
This is a powerful Mantra made of Beej Mantras. It is really very effective and each Sadhak should try to make the best use of it. This is a very rare shankh used in worship of Godess Lakshmi. A person doing Sadhana using this Shankh and sphatik rosary can attain highest level of Siddhis.

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