Damodar Shaligram

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Nilamegha Damodara Shaligram

Big And Round Body , Black  color ,Single opening two clear chakras at the centre , Vanamala covering the body , mark of lines in central portion . 



Product Name : Damodar Shaligram / Nilamegha Damodara Salagram

Origin : Gandaki River Nepal

Weight : 237  gm

Dimension : 3 inches * 3 inches

Lakshan Shaloka :

rekhA yadvilasanmadhye kAlameghasamaprabham| vanamAlA lasatkaNTam prAhur dAmodaram mune||

Meaning : 

Shaligram having blue-black color; vanamala covering the body; lines in the central portion, two chakras is known as “NilaMegha Damodara Shaligram”

Description :
Damodar also spelled “Damodara” & “Damodarah” is the 367th name of Vishnu from the Vishnu sahasranama. The various meanings of the name are given as follows:

  • The Lord when He was tied with a cord (daama) around His waist (udara), denoting a divine pastime in which Krishna’s mother devi Yashoda bound Krishna for being mischievous.
  • One who is known through a mind which is purified (Udara) by means of self-control(dama).
  • One in whose bosom rests the entire universe.



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