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Syamantaka Hari Shaligram
Syamantaka Hari Salagram Single opening - 2 clear chakras , with lot of golden color , Srivatsa mark , Vanamala marks . -
Varaha Shaligram
Lakshmi Varaha Shaligram Shape like a Boar , Round shape Elevated bottom , single opening having 2 joined chakras at the right side , with golden color spots , Vanamala marks . -
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Parshuram Shaligram
Durvabha ParashuRama Shaligram Single opening having two clear chakras , at the centre of opening , Clear Axe mark near the opening, Vanamala marks , with greenish yellow color tinge . -
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Amrutaharana Shaligram
AmrutaHarana Salagram Round Shape , Small opening having 2 clear chakras with golden spots , also clear mark of creeper near the opening and on the side . -
Collector 15 Mukhi Rudraksha
Collector Fifteen Face Rudraksha of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 27 mm - 28 mm -
Collector 14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Collector Fourteen Face Rudraksha - Nepal - Lab Certified Size : 27 mm - 28 mm -
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Laxmi Narayan Shaligram Mala In Silver
[embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] Rare Laxmi Narayan Shaligram Rosary In Pure Silver - 55 pc All the Shaligrams having small opening with Tiny chakras -
Pattabhi Rama Shaligram
Catush Chakra Parivara Pattabhi Rama Shaligram Black color ,2 opening having 2 chakras in each (Toal 4 chakras) , Mark of Bow , Arrow , Quiver , With mark of Umbrella and chamara sign , Vanamala marks , Stable . -
Varaha Shaligram
Shakti Varaha Shaligram Shape like a Boar , Single opening having 2 chakras with one fang mark , and shakti Golden color linga mark on back side . -
Kamsa Mardana Shaligram
Kamsa Mardana Krishna Shaligram Blue - Black color Body , Front one opening , side one opening , 2 Clear chakras in each with golden color -
Parshuram Shaligram
RajaPujya ParashuRama Shaligram Black color , single big opening - 2 chakras with fang marks , with axe marks . -
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Shantabhadra Shaligram
single big opening having 2 clear chakras on the left side , plough sign on the right side , Kundala and arrow mark . -
Rare Big Size Krishna Shaligram / Santan Gopala Shaligram
Rare Big Size Santana Gopala Shaligram Black color , Oval shape body , half moon like opening having 2 clear chakras marks , with lotus lines , yellow color dots . -
Rare Big Size Varaha Shaligram
Rare Big Size Lakshmi Varaha Shaligram Round shape body , Black color with lot of Golden color inside and outside the opening , Elephant Goad (Ankusha) like opening having 2 lotus joined chakras , With clear vanamala marks on the back side of his body . -
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Rare Big Size Padmanabha Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Shubhadayaka Padmanabha shaligram Single opening having 2 big chakras inside the opening with Golden shining, Vanamala covering the body with golden color lines , Snake Mark , Srivatsa mark . -
Balashali Rama Shaligram
BalaShali Rama Shaligram Single big opening having 2 clear chakras inside the opening , with large fang marks , Plough mark , Lotus lines , Oval Shape , Stable , With one more opening on the lower side having 2 small chakras with clear lotus lines near the opening ,