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8 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha – Rare Collector Size – Java
Rare 8 Mukhi Ganesha Kantha Java Beads Strung In Traditional Style With Knots and Woolen Spacers Number of Beads : 32 +1 -
8 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha – Rare Collector Size – Java
Rare 8 Mukhi Ganesha Kantha Java Beads Strung In Traditional Style With Knots and Woolen Spacers Number of Beads : 32 +1 -
Sadhu Bag
Product Name : Sadhu Bag Weight : 525 gm (approx) Dimension : 10 inches * 10 inches -
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Vanamali Shaligram
Single Elongated opening with 2 clear chakras , and present of Crystal / Sphatik inside the opening , with Vanamala marks near the opening -
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Vaikuntha Shaligram
Small Round opening having single chakra , with clear lotus lines on his body . -
Bhuvaneshvari Yantra In Panchdhatu – 3 Inches
Shri Bhuvaneshvari Devi DusMahavidya Yantra The Creator of the World -
Matangi Yantra In Panchdhatu – 3 Inches
Shri Matangi Devi DusMahavidya Yantra The Goddess Who Loves Pollution -
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