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Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Rare AnjanaCala Lakshmi Narayana Shaligram Round And black color body , single opening having 4 chakras , vanamala mark , flag mark , goad mark , white lines , yellow and golden color spots . -
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Pattabhi Rama Shaligram
ChatushChakra Parivara Pattabhi Rama Shaligram Black color , smooth body , 2 opening having 2 chakras in each , mark of vanamala , bow , arrows, quiver mark , mark of umbrella and chamara sign . -
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Madhusudhan Shaligram
Madusudhan Shaligram Yellow and Honey Mix Color black color body , 3 opening having 2 chakra in each , mark of snake and yagopavitra (sacred thread) , golden color marks -
Trivikrama Shaligram
Trikona Trivikrama Shaligram Triangular shape , single opening having 2 clear chakras , single chakra on the lower side , mark of bow , lotus mark , and vanamala . -
Shesha Shaligram
Shesha Salagram Black color , Single opening having 2 clear chakras , Top to bottom encircling lines (vanamala) -
Emerald Colombian – 4.82 carats
[embed][/embed] Colombian Emerald - Lab Certified Weight : 4.82 ct -
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Lord Vishnu With Sridevi and Bhudevi on Golden Vishnu Shaligram
Lord Vishnu With Manifested Energy and Fertility -
VanaRama Shaligram
VanaRama Salagram Oval shape , having single opening with two clear chakras , with single parshva chakra on the top side , mark of bow , arrow , quiver , kundala . -
Tirupati Balaji Murti On Natural Shaligram
Tirupati Balaji / Srinivasa / Venkatewara Murti Carved on Natural shweta Laxmi Venkateshwara Shaligram -
Rare Daryai Kamandal / Sadhu Kamandal
Daryai Kamandal / Sea Coconut Kamandal / Coco-de-mer -
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Adwaitya Golden ChinnaMasta Dasha MahaVidya Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Golden ChinnaMasta Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Dimension : 2.25 inches * 2.25 inches Weight : 139 gm Description : CHHINNAMASTA :The Goddess who cuts off her Own Head – The image of Chinnamasta is … Readmore -
Kurma Shaligram
Kama Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Like Body hump back , opening with chakras on the front side , one more opening with chakras on the side , mark of vanamala , kalpavriksha , surya lines . -
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Rukmani Krishna Shaligram
Rukmani Krishna Salagram Smooth and Black color body , Two equal circular marks in small opening , left side dots , mark of vanamala , upward looking rekhas , ankusha mark . -
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Soubhagya Varada Krishna Shaligram
Soubhagya Varada Krishna Shaligram Black color , Single opening having 2 equal chakras with golden color spots , Mark of Vanamala , Elephant goad mark on left side -
9 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha – Rare Collector Size – Java
Durga Shakti Kantha Java Beads Strung In Traditional Style With Knots and Woolen Spacers Number of Beads : 27 +1 -
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha – Rare Collector Size Java
Guru Kantha - 27+1 Beads Rare Collector Beads : 36 mm - 40 mm Strung In Traditional Style With Knots and Woolen Spacers -
Lord Srinivasa / Venkateshwara Idol In Pure Solid Silver
Lord Venkateswara Idol In Pure Silver -
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Ashta Laxmi Set In Pure Solid Brass
Product Name : Ashta Laxmi Set In Pure Solid Brass Combine Weight : 3761 gms Dimension : 3.5 inches (Height) Design : A set of exquisitely carved eight idols of Ashta Laxmi in Pure Solid Brass , denote the secondary … Readmore -
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Dashavatar Idols In Pure Solid Brass
Product Name : Dashavatar Idols In Pure Solid Brass Weight : 1628 gms Dimension : 3.5 inches (approx.) Design : The divine Dashavatar set depicts the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Pure solid shining brass . Description : Lord … Readmore -
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Vaikuntha Shaligram
Vaikuntha Shaligram Black color body ,Single small round opening having clear small chakra , with lotus lines . -
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Madhusudhan Shaligram
Madhusudhan Shaligram Bilva Shape , Single chakra , honey and yellow mix color , snake and thread (yagyopavita) sign , clear lines . lotus mark . -
Chaturbhuja Shaligram
Adwaitya Chaturbhuja Chakradhari MahaVishnu Golden Shaligram Round Shape , Blue Black color , 2 opening having 2 chakras in each (Total 4 chakras) , lotus mark , mark of mace , vanamala . -
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Madhusudhan Shaligram
Madusudhan Shaligram Yellow and Honey Mix Color bilva shape body , 3 opening having 2 chakra in each , mark of snake and yagopavitra (sacred thread) , lotus lines and golden color spots .