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Sarvottam Dwarka Ananta Narasimha Shilla
Product Name : Sarvottam Dwarka Ananta Narasimha Shilla Weight : 75 gms Dimension : 2.5 inches * 2 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than twelve Chakras is known as Ananta. Dwaraka-Shila-The Brahma Purana … Readmore -
Sacred Adwaitya Muralidhara Radha Krishna Dwarka Shilla
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Muralidhara Radha Krishna Dwarka Shilla Weight : 72 gms Dimension : 3.25 inches * 2.25 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than twelve Chakras is known as Ananta. Dwaraka-Shila-The … Readmore -
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Sarvottam Matsya Dwarka Ananta Shilla
Product Name : Sarvottam Matsya Dwarka Ananta Shilla Weight : 96 gms Dimension : 3.25 inches * 2.25 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than twelve Chakras is known as Ananta. Dwaraka-Shila-The Brahma Purana … Readmore -
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Sarvottam Dwarka Ananta Shilla
Product Name : Sarvottam Dwarka Ananta Shilla Weight : 26 gms Dimension : 1.5 inches * 2 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than twelve Chakras is known as Ananta. Dwaraka-Shila-The Brahma Purana states … Readmore -
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Sarvottam Adwaitya Laxmi Narayan Dwarka Shilla
Product Name : Sarvottam Adwaitya Laxmi Narayan Dwarka Shilla Weight : 3 gms Dimension : 0.6 inches * 1.5 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with two Chakras is known as Lakshmi Narayan. Dwaraka-Shila-The Brahma Purana … Readmore -
Sacred Adwaitya Kurma Giri Govardhan Radha Krishna Dwarka Shilla
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Kurma Giri Govardhan Radha Krishna Dwarka Shilla Weight : 400 gms Dimension : 4.5 inches * 4.5 inches / Height : 3 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than … Readmore -
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Sacred Adwaitya Radha Krishna Giriraj Govardhan Dwarka Shilla
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Radha Krishna Giriraj Govardhan Dwarka Shilla Weight : 481 gms Dimension : 4.5 inches * 4.5 inches / Height : 3.5 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than twelve … Readmore -
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Sacred Adwaitya Radha Krishna Giriraj Govardhan Dwarka Shilla
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Radha Krishna Giriraj Govardhan Dwarka Shilla Weight : 740 gms Dimension : 5 inches * 5 inches / Height : 4.5 inches Description : The Prahlada Samhita states that a Dvaraka-Shila with more than twelve … Readmore -
Rare Adwaitya Brahmand Trinity Ananta Dwarka Shila
Sacred Adwaitya Sudarshan Chakra Brahmand Trinity Ananta Dwarka Shila -
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ShriVatsalAnchana Shaligram
Round and Small Size , Yellow Color , 1 opening - 2 Equal Circulars , with one more opening having 2 small chakras . -
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Vasudeva Shaligram
DvarakaChakra Vasudeva Shaligram single opening having 2 chakras at the entrance of opening, white color body , dots . -
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ShriVatsalAnchana Shaligram
Small Size , Yellow Color body , 1 opening - 2 Equal Circulars , with one more opening having 2 small chakras . -
Matsya Shaligram
Srivatsa Matsya Shaligram Fish Shape ,Long smooth and black color body , ist opening in face with two clear chakras and lotus mark , 2nd opening on tail side with two big chakras , mark of srivatsa and vanamala . -
Vamsha Gopala Krishna Shaligram
Vamsha Gopala Salagram Black color, Smooth body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , Lotus mark , Vanamala marks , Mark of Flute , mark of bow and arrow . -
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Sanatana Krishna Shaligram
Sanatana Krishna Shaligram Round shape , 1 opening - 2 Big chakras with Lot of Golden Color impression inside and outside the opening . -
ShyamaRakta Gopala Shaligram
Shyama Rakta Gopala Shaligram Black and Red Bottom color , 1 opening - 2 clear chakras , Protruded Head , mark of shankha , bow and arrow . -
Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram
Lakshmi Narasimha Shaligram Black color body , single opening having 2 big chakras (padma / Lotus Chakras) , vanamala marks , golden color spots . -
Venu Gopala Shaligram
VenuGopala Salagram Dark Black color ,smooth body , 1 opening - 2 circulars , Mark of Stick , Flute and Horns ,