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Ganesha Shaligram
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Laxmi Vanamala Maha Ganesha Salagram Shape Like Lord Ganesha with single opening having two chakras , Golden Marks , Elephant Trunk and Tusk Sign , vanamala and kalpavriksha marks -
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Satyavirashrava Shaligram
Satyavirashrava Salagram Round , small and smooth black color body , with single small opening having 2 well formed chakras , golden spots on body , also having mark of vanamala and lotus lines . -
Pattabhi Rama Shaligram
Catush Chakra Parivara Pattabhi Rama Shaligram 2 opening having 2 chakras in each (Toal 4 chakras) , Mark of Bow , Arrow , Quiver , With mark of Umbrella and chamara sign , Vanamala marks , Stable , golden color spots ,. -
Varaha Shaligram / AnkushaKara Bhu Varaha Salagram
AnkushaKara BhuVaraha Salagram Elephant Goad opening having 2 clear chakras with mark of one fang , mark of vanamala , and dots . -
Achyuta Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Acyuta Salagram Honey color body , with outer chakra one , inside two chakras in small opening , mark of shankha , bow , arrow , kundalas , lotus , umbrella , elephant goad , sword , pestle , and other marks . -
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Kurma Shaligram
Manoratha Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Like face with single opening having 2 clear chakras , hump back , Golden spots , surya rekhas , mark of vanamala . -
14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Fourteen Face Rudraksha Of Java - Lab Certified Dimension : 17 mm - 18 mm -
14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Fourteen Face Rudraksha Of Java - Lab Certified Dimension : 14 mm - 15 mm -
14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Fourteen Face Rudraksha Of Java - Lab Certified Dimension : 14 mm - 15 mm -
14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Fourteen Face Rudraksha Of Java - Lab Certified Dimension : 15 mm - 16 mm -
14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Fourteen Face Rudraksha Of Java - Lab Certified Dimension : 15 mm - 16 mm -
Shree Yantra Maha Meru In Pure Solid Copper – 6.5 inches
Meru Sriyantra In Pure Copper Made from a single piece in perfect Geometry -
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Hamsa Shaligram
Hamsa Salagram Blue and white mix color , D Shape body , single opening having lotus like chakra . -
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VishvaRupa Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Rare VishvaRupa Shaligram Many opening having many chakras more than 20 , mark of bow , arrow , quiver , plough , kundala (ear ring) , shankha , mace , lotus , vanamala , kalpavriksha , axe , ankusha (elephant goad) , mark of hooded snake , garuda , cow foot print , sword , pestle , flag ,umbrella , chamara , parshava chakra and many more . -
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Madhusudhan Shaligram
Madhusudhan Shaligram Round shape body , mix black , honey , yellow color body , single chakra , mark of mace , shankha , lotus , snake and thread sign , mark of kundala , holes mark , and many more -
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RajaRajeshwara Shaligram
RajaRajeshwari Salagram [embed][/embed] Round shape, black color and smooth body , 2 opening having 2 chakras in each , 3 Golden color single chakra (total 7 chakras) , mark of golden color vanamala , lotus lines , mark of umbrella , quiver , srivatsa mark and many other marks . -
Kurma Shaligram
AndadVaya Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Shape body , like two balls joined , front side opening having 2 clear chakras , second opening on the back side having 2 chakras , mark of sun rekhas and vanamala . -
Laxmi Narsimha With Adishesha In Pure Solid Copper – 6 Inches
Product Name : Laxmi Narsimha In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 1171 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) / 2 inches * 2 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Lord Narsimha artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled artisans of South … Readmore