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Lord Hanuman with Bhima and Madhava In Copper
Lord Hanuman , Bhima and Madhva Idol In Pure Copper -
Ebony Mala / Karungali Mala – 8 mm – 109 Beads
Product Name : Ebony Mala / Karungali Mala – 8 mm – 109 Beads Number of Beads : 108 + 1Ā Dimension of Beads : 8 mmĀ Design : Selected Natural unpolished Ebony beads mala having traditional Knots after each … Readmore -
Red Sandalwood Bracelet
Product Name : Red Sandalwood BraceletĀ Dimension of Beads : 16 mmĀ Description : Red sandal beads have a very pleasant and soothing natural aroma. Smooth beads of high quality ,original red sandalwood are hand crafted to make this beautiful … Readmore -
Goddess Kamakshi Idol In Pure Copper
Product Name : Goddess Kamakshi Idol In Pure Copper Weight : 441Ā gms Dimension : 4.5 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : Majestic Idol of Goddess Kamakshi brilliantly crafted in heavy Copper looks exceptionally mesmerizing and divine. Truly … Readmore -
Tirupati Balaji Idol in Copper
Tirupati Balaji / Srinivasa / Venkatewara Murti In Solid Pure Copper Ā -
Swami Ramanuja Murti With Narayan In CopperĀ
Swami Ramanujar with SelvaPillai In Pure Solid Copper . -
Deepa Lakshmi Lady With Lamps In Pure CopperĀ
Product Name : Deepa Lakshmi Lady With Lamps In Pure CopperĀ Weight : 280 gms Dimension : 3 inches (height) * 1.20 inches (base)Ā Description :Ā Beautiful Majestic Deepam Lady Idol In Pure Solid Copper Made by South India artisiansĀ -
Lord Shiva With Parvati on Nandi With Peeta Prabhavali In Pure Solid Copper
Lord Shiva With Goddess Parvati on Nandi In Pure CopperĀ Pradosha Murthy -
Dashavatar Idols In Pure Copper
Product Name : Dashavatar Idols In Pure Copper Weight : 431 gms Dimension : 2 inches (approx.) Design : The divine Dashavatar set depicts the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Pure copper . The Idols are carved finely by … Readmore