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Lord Shiva With Parvati on Nandi With Peeta Prabhavali In Pure Solid Copper
Lord Shiva With Goddess Parvati on Nandi In Pure Copper Pradosha Murthy -
Dashavatar Idols In Pure Copper
Product Name : Dashavatar Idols In Pure Copper Weight : 431 gms Dimension : 2 inches (approx.) Design : The divine Dashavatar set depicts the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Pure copper . The Idols are carved finely by … Readmore -
Kurma Shree Yantra in Brass
Product Name : Kurma Shree Yantra in Brass Dimension : 3.5 inches (Height) * 5.5 inches (Base)  Dimension of shree yantra : 3 inches (height) * 2.20 inches (Base) Weight : 631 gms (approx) Design : Beautiful Kachap Shree yantra … Readmore -
Shiva Parivar In Brass
Product Name : Shiva Parivar In Brass Weight : 1060 gms Dimension : 4.80 inches (height) * 4 inches (Base) Design : Majestic Shiva Parivar seated on nandi made in heavy shining brass . Description : Shiva Parivar included lord … Readmore -
Panchmukhi Hanuman In BrassÂ
Product Name : Panchmukhi Hanuman In Brass Weight : 780 gms Dimension : Panchmukhi Hanuman is Made in heavy shining brass in sitting position . He is having 10 hands holding weapons to assure protection to his devotees from all … Readmore -
Ram Darbar in Brass
Product Name : Ram Darbar In Brass Weight : 5916 gms Dimension : 10 inches (Height) * 3 inches (Base) Description : The Divine Idols of Lord Rama with Goddess Sita , Brother Laxman and Lord hanuman in heavy and … Readmore -
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Matsya Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Srivatsa Matsya Shaligram Fish Shape ,Long and smooth body , ist opening on head side with two clear chakras , 2nd opening on the tail side having 2 clear chakras , mark of srivatsa and vanamala . -
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Surya Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Surya Salagram 6 opening - 2 chakras in each , with single chakra , mark of Shankha , Mace , Sword , red lines and other signs . -
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Ananta Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Ananta Salagram Smooth and cold to touch ,7 opening - 2 chakras in each (14 chakras) , with 2 single clear chakra on the sides , mark of snake , vanamala mark , lotus marks and snake mark . -
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Narsimha Murti Carved On Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Shodasha Bahu Narasimha Carved on Sudarshan Shaligram