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Dattatreya Murti
[embed][/embed] Dattatreya Murti Carved on Natural Golden Shaligram -
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JaganNath , Balabhadra and Subhadra Murti
JaganNath , Balabhadra and Subhadra Idols Carved on Natural Golden Sudarshan ShaligramĀ Ā -
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Varaha Shaligram
Ankusha Bhu Varaha Shaligram Boar shape , Black color , Ankusha (Elephant goad) Like opening having 2 clear chakras , one fangĀ , Golden color spots . -
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Gadakara Krishna Shaligram
Gadakara Krishna SalagramĀ Black color , smooth body , single opening having 2 big chakras , golden spots , mark of the mace at centre -