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Vasudeva Shaligram
Chidraprushtha Vasudeva Shaligram single opening having 2 chakras , white color , dots , holes . -
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SitaRama Shaligram
Tri chakra SitaRama Shaligram single opening having 2 chakras , with single chakra on the bottom side , mark of kundala , kalpavriksha , bow , arrow and quiver . -
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Upendra Shaligram
Indranila Upendra Shaligram Single opening - 2 Small chakras , evenly shape body , bluish tinge , 3 golden color lines on the side . -
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Rare Big Size Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram
Lakshmi Narasimha Shaligram Lion's Like Face , Big opening with Two Big chakras inside the opening , Vanamala marks , Golden color spots. -
KoDanda Rama Shaligram
Kodanda Rama Shaligram Big Size body , Slightly elongated , Single opening having 2 clear chakras , Mark of Bow , arrows , quiver and holes , Golden color spots . -
Trivikrama Shaligram
Trivikrama Salagram Black color Big Body , Elongated Body , Single Elongated opening having 2 Big chakras inside the opening , with lot of golden color , single chakra on the Lower side . -
Rare Big Size Varaha Shaligram
Rare Big Size Shakti Varaha Shaligram Shape like a Boar , with single opening on the face side having 2 clear chakras , Golden spots , Shakti Linga mark. -
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Pashupatinath Shivling in Blue Sodalite – 5358 gms
Pashupatinath Shivalingam In Blue Sodolite -