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Kurma Shaligram
KamaTakara Kurma Shaligram Shape like a Tortoise , hump back , front side having single opening with 2 clear chakras , right side one more opening having with 2 chakras . -
KurcaKara Krishna Shaligram
KurcaKara Krishna Shaligram Black color body , 2 chakras at the centre in small opening , Golden Spots , grass like formation on back side . -
Sphatik Shree Yantra With Lingam – 415 gm
Shree Yantra With Lingam In Pure Quartz Crystal -
Sphatik Shree Yantra With Lingam – 210 gm
Shree Yantra With Lingam In Pure Quartz Crystal -
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Lord Madhava Idol
Product Name : Lord Madhava Idol Dimension : 2.20 inches (Height) * 1.20 inches (Base) Weight : 59 gm Design : In this idol Lord Madhava idol Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram of Gandaki River Nepal , holding Mace / Gada … Readmore