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Sphatik Mala Diamond Cutting – 109 Beads
Products Name : Sphatik Diamond Cut Mala – 109 Beads Origin :  Himalayan Valley Design : 108+1 Sphatik beads having precious super diamond cutting are strung in thread with sumeru having traditional knots after each bead Attachment : Lab certificate which proofs the authenticity … Readmore -
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Sarvottam Laxmi Sudarshan KalpaVriksha Raja Rajeshwari Shaligram
Product Name : Sarvottam Laxmi Sudarshan KalpaVriksha Raja Rajeshwari Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 565 gms Dimension : 4.10 inches * 3.5 inches Benefits of worshipping Raja Rajeshweri Shaligram: – For power, fame, respect and dignity in … Readmore -
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Kamakhya Devi Shilla / Sarvottam Kamakhya Devi Om Shilla
Product Name : Kamakhya Devi Shilla / Sarvottam Kamakhya Devi Om Shilla Weight : 335 gms Dimension : 3.10 inches * 2.80 inches -
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Maha Narsimha Shaligram
Maha Narasimha Shaligram Copper / Reddish color , Two circulars inside large opening , Fang Marks -
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Shuddha Krishna Shaligram
Shuddha Krishna Shaligram Black color ,Round Shape body , Single opening having 2 equal chakras at the entrance of the opening -
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Kapila Yagna Shaligram
Yagna Shaligram Red and yellow mix color body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , mark of sacrificial sticks (Sruk and Sruva) . -
Kurma Shaligram
KamaTakara Kurma Shaligram Shape like a Tortoise , hump back , front side having single opening with 2 clear chakras , right side one more opening having with 2 chakras , mark of vanamala ,