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CatraKara Gopala Shaligram
CatraKara Gopala Salagram Small opening having two clear chakras with clear lotus mark, Very smooth and Attractive , Blue Black color with red color lines and red color spots . -
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Hrishikesha Shaligram
Hrushikesha Shaligram D Shape Body , circular vanamala , single opening having 2 clear chakras , -
Sita Rama Shaligram
Trichakra SitaRama Shaligram 1 opening having 2 clear small chakras , Bottom chakra , mark of bow , arrow and quiver , with other marks . -
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Padmanabha Shaligram
Padmanabha shaligram Single opening having 2 chakras at the centre of wide opening , Mark of Plough on the back side , snake mark near the opening . -
Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Rare Shatchakra Lakshmi Narayana Shaligram Single opening having 6 clear chakras , with other marks . -
Goddess Saraswati In Natural Columbian Green Jade – 988 gms
Goddess Saraswati Made in Natural Green Jade -
Vishnu Laxmi In Columbian Green Jade – 1650 gms
Shyana Murti of Vishnu Laxmi In Natural Columbian Green Jade -
Pashupatinath Shivling In Natural Columbian Green Jade – 2965 gms
Auspicious Shivling is Carved in 100 % Pure Natural Columbian Green Jade . -
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Rare Big Size Nandi In Columbian Green Jade – 3554 gm
Nandi Idol In Natural Columbian Green Jade -