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Kurma Shaligram
KamaTakara Kurma Shaligram Shape like a Tortoise , hump back , two opening having 2 chakras in each , vanamala mark , golden spots . -
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Parameshti Shaligram
Parameshti Salagram Lotus Like Single chakra , Copper color , Hole on the bottom side . -
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Vijaya Krishna Shaligram
Vijaya Krishna Salagram Black color , Single opening having - 2 clear chakras , Mark of Bow , Arrow and Quiver , Also mark of chakra on the bottom side . -
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Parameshti Shaligram
Parameshti Salagram Lotus Like Single chakra , yellowish copper color body , cavity on the bottom side , vanamala and lotus lines . -
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Laxmi Sudarshan Shaligram
Dwimukhi Sudarshan Shaligram Two chakras , no opening , Gold spots , sphatik , vanamala and fang marks . -
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Parshuram Shaligram
RajaPujya ParashuRama Shaligram Black color , single big opening - 2 chakras with fang marks and golden spots , Clear white color Axe mark on the side , Mark of bow and quiver , -
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Rudraksha Beads Jacket
Product Name : Rudraksha Beads Jacket Weight : 2 kg 365 gms Design : Jacket Made up of Selected 5 mukhi smooth and round beads with clear faces , Woven together in strong thread . Worn as spiritual accessory . … Readmore -
Collector 14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Collector Fourteen Face Rudraksha - Nepal - Lab Certified Size :Â 27 mm - 28 mm -