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Lord Vishnu Laxmi On Garuda
Stroy of Gajendra Moksha Lord Vishnu With Laxmi Sitting on Garuda Protect Elephant (Gajendra) From Crocodile -
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Lord Vishnu With Sridevi and Bhudevi on Garuda
Lord Vishnu on Garuda With Sridevi and Bhudevi Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram Lord Vishnu With Manifested Energy and Fertility -
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Akasha Narsimha Shaligram
Akasha Narasimha Shaligram Shape like a lion , Unclear chakras at the centre of large opening , with Golden fangs . -
Kurma Shaligram
Manoratha Kurma Shaligram Shape like a Tortoise , 2 chakras inside single opening on face side , with single chakra mark on top side . Surya rekhas , Golden spots , mark of vanamala and kalpavriksa. -
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Taarksya Shaligram
Garuda Murti Shaligram Long Shape like a pillar /Â Both side (Two side) Garuda Sign . -
Kurma Shaligram
Manoratha Kurma Shaligram Shape like a Tortoise , hump back , Bright color. -
Matsya Shaligram
ShushiRankita Matsya Shaligram Fish Shape , 2 Chakras at the centre of opening on head side , 2 chakras on tail side opening with white color spots , White color linear marks , Golden color spots , Vanamala marks .