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Sphatik Shivaling With Yoni Base – 432 gms
Sphatik Shivaling With Snake Design Yoni Base Quartz Crystal Shivaling With Yoni Base -
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Kantha In Silver – 33 Beads – Collector Size
Guru Kantha In silver - 33 Beads Strung In Strong silver wire with knots style and silver caps -
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Vijaya Narsimha Shaligram
Vijaya Narasimha Shaligram Single opening having two chakras in centre of opening , Tawny color , Fang marks inside the opening , Vanamala marks -
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Vibhishana Narsimha shaligram
Vibhishana Narasimha Salagram Two circulars inside long opening with fang marks , Long like fish body , Big Belly , Vanamala Marks -
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Hamsa Shaligram
D Shape / Shape like a Bow , 1 opening - 2 circular with lotus joint , Blue and white mix color inside the opening , Vanamala marks .