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Rudrani Mala In Silver – 109 Beads
Rudrani Mala Strung In Silver Wire with Silver Self Design Caps -
Black Tulsi Mala In Silver Conical Caps
Black Tulsi Beads Mala In Silver Conical caps Dimension of Beads : 2 mm Ā -
Tulsi Mala In Silver
White Tulsi Beads Mala In Silver Wire Dimension of Beads :Ā 6 MM Number Of Beads : 108 -
Tulsi Mala In Silver Conical Caps
White Tulsi Beads Mala In Silver Conical Caps Dimension of Beads :Ā 4 MM Number Of Beads : 75 -
Tulsi Mala In Silver Conical Caps
White Tulsi Beads Mala In Silver Conical Caps Dimension of Beads : 5 MM Number Of Beads : 54+1 -
Tulsi Mala In Silver Conical Caps
White Tulsi Beads Mala In Silver Conical Caps Dimension of Beads : 6 MM Number Of Beads : 54+1 -
8 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala
Rare 8 Mukhi Ganesha Mala In Silver Bead size : 7 MM Strung In Silver Wire with Silver Caps on All beads -
Janardhana Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Janardhan Shaligram Black color , shiny & charming , Golden color ,Ā 2 openingĀ - 4 circulars with Vanamala and other marks -
Kamsa Mardana Shaligram
Kamsa Mardana Krishna Shaligram Front one opening , side one opening , 2 chakras in each -
Kurma Shaligram
Putrapradayaka Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Shape , Two circulars at navel with lot of golden color impression, ankusha , Vanamala and Kalpvriksha marks . -
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Kurma Shaligram
Chaitravarna Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Shape , having mixture of red and blue color , with two circulars on front side and two circulars marks on back side