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Ananta Shaligram
Ananta Salagram Smooth and Black mixed color body, with number of single and Pair chakras (more than 14 chakras) , mark of snake , flag , shankha , lotus and vanamala marks , -
Pattabhi Rama Shaligram
Catush Chakra Parivara Pattabhi Rama Shaligram 2 opening having 2 chakras in each (Toal 4 chakras) , Mark of Bow , Arrow , Quiver , With mark of Umbrella and chamara sign , Vanamala marks , Stable , golden color spots ,. -
Santan Gopala Shaligram
Santana Gopala Shaligram Black Color Body , Half Moon Shape Opening with two clear chakra marks with lot of golden color spots , mark of vanamala and lotus sign . -
Rare Big Size Hayagriva Shaligram
Hygreive Shaligram Horse face Shape / Letter "C" , elephant gaod opening , black color , two clear chakras , Lotus mark , mark of lines . -
13 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal
Thirteen Face Rudraksh of Nepal - Lab Certified Dimension : 23 mm - 24 mm -
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