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Vijaya Rama Shaligram
Rama Shaligram Single opening having 2 Chakras with filaments , Red color Marks , Bow , Arrow and Quiver signs , Linear marks , Golden Spots -
Shree Yantra Maha Meru
Meru Sriyantra Made from a single piece in perfect Geometry having hollow base . -
Shree Yantra In Pure Silver – 3D
Meru Sriyantra Made from a single piece in perfect Geometry and hollow from base, In Pure Silver -
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Vishvambhara Shaligram
Vishvambhara Shaligram Total : 20 chakras (9 opening - 18 chakras , 2 single chakras) , with Vanamala and other Marks -
Vaman Shaligram
Sukshmadvara Vamana Shaligram Small and Round Body , 1 opening - 2 small chakras , Gold Spots , Vanamala Marks , White color Dots -
Vasudeva Shaligram
Chidraprushtha Vasudeva Shaligram Two Equal chakra inside the opening at the Entrance , Golden color spots at the opening , White color Dots and Holes on the bottom side. -
Rudraksha Siddha Mala – Java
Siddha Combination of 1 Mukhi Till 14 Mukhi Rudraksha With Gauri Shankar and Ganesh Rudraksha -
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