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Patanjali Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Patanjali Idol In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 480 gms Dimension : 5.5 inches (height) /Â 2 inches * 2 inches (base)Â Description :Â Beautiful Patanjali Murti seated on big size five headed snake In Pure Solid … Readmore -
Durga Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Durga Idol In Copper Weight : 116 gms Dimension : 2.5 inches (Height) / 2 inches * 1 inches (Base) -
KholaPur Mahalaxmi Idol / Ambabai Idol in Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : KholaPur Mahalaxmi / Ambabai Idol in Pure Solid Copper Weight : 224 gms Dimension : 4 inches (Height) / 1.5 inches * 1.5 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Kholapur Mahalaxmi Idol made in pure Solid copper , … Readmore -
Goddess Pratyangira Devi Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Goddess Pratyangira Devi Idol In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 671 gms Dimension : 5.5 inches (height) / 3.5 inches * 2 inches (base) Design : Beautiful Goddess Pratyangira Devi Idol seated on a lion artistically crafted … Readmore -
Harihara Idol / ShankaraNarayana Murti In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Harihara Idol / ShankaraNarayana Murti In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 745 gms Dimension : 6.5 inches (Height) / 2 inches * 2 inches (Base) Design : This Copper statue of Lord Harihara / ShankaraNarayana is very … Readmore -
Bal Krishna Idol In Copper – 4.25 inches
Product Name : Bal Krishna Idol In Copper Weight : 451 gms Dimension : 4.25 inches (Height) / 2 inches * 2 inches (Base) Design : This Copper statue of Bala Krishna is very impressive made in the hoysala style … Readmore -
Vamsha Gopala Krishna Shaligram
Black color , Round Shape Smooth body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , Vanamala marks , Mark of golden color Flute and dots . -
Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram
Lakshmi Narasimha Shaligram Black color body , single opening having 2 clear chakras on the left side of opening, mark of fangs , mark of vanamala . -
Yoga Narsimha Shaligram
Yoga Narasimha Salagram Black color body , lions like face , big opening having two clear , lotus mark on the left side , golden color spots . -
Varaha Shaligram
Laxmi Bhu Varaha Shaligram Boar Shape , Elongated body , Raised Back side , Single big opening having two clear chakras on the left side , Golden spots and lines , Vanamala and kalpavriksha marks , dots .Â