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Yoga Narsimha Shaligram
Yoga Narasimha Salagram Black color body , lions like face , big opening having two clear , lotus mark on the left side , golden color spots . -
Varaha Shaligram
Laxmi Bhu Varaha Shaligram Boar Shape , Elongated body , Raised Back side , Single big opening having two clear chakras on the left side , Golden spots and lines , Vanamala and kalpavriksha marks , dots . -
Trimurti Shaligram
Brahma , Vishnu , Mahesh Shaligram Three opening , having 3 single chakras in each opening , Shankha and kamandala Mark , Mark of vanamalas . -
Udupi Krishna Idol on Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Udupi Krishna Murti on Golden Radha Krishna Sudarshan Salagram -
Lord Rama Idol on Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Ramchandra Murti on Golden Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Laxmi Narsimha Murti on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Lakshmi Narasimha Murti Carved on Naraismha Sudarshan Salagram -
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Lord Krishna Idol On Natural Shaligram
Gopala Murti / Venu Gopala Murti / Muralidhar Murti on Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Radha Krishna Murti On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Radha Krishna Idol Carved on Natural Sudarshan Salagram -
Shri Vitthala Giridhari on Natural Golden Shaligram
Rare Big Size Shri Vitthala Giridhari on Golden Govardhana Shaligram Shilla -
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Bhuvaneshwari DashaMahaVidya Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Bhuvaneshwari DashaMahaVidya Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 154 gm Dimension : 3 inches * 2.5 inches Description : BHUVANESHWARI – The Creator of the World – The beauty and attractiveness of … Readmore -
Adwaitya Golden ChinnaMasta Dasha MahaVidya Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Golden ChinnaMasta Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Dimension : 2.25 inches * 2.25 inches Weight : 69 gm Description : CHHINNAMASTA :The Goddess who cuts off her Own Head – The image of Chinnamasta is … Readmore