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Rare Big Size Shuddha Narsimha Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Shuddha Narasimha Shaligram Face Like a Lion , Round shape , Big size having single big opening , with two clear chakras in deep inside , mark of vanamala .Ā -
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Bhadra Chamunda Mahakali Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Bhadra Chamunda Mahakali Shaligram Weight : 488 gm Dimension : 4 inches * 3 inches Origin : Gandaki River Nepal As per PranaToshini Tantra Shastra :Ā Adho Mukhi Trikonakar Yoni Vadana is known as … Readmore -
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Sita Rama Shaligram
Pancha Chakra SitaRama Shaligram 2 opening - 2 chakras in each , 1 single chakra on the left side , mark of bow , arrow , quiver and vanamala .Ā -
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Dattatreya Shaligram
Dattatreya Salagram White Mix color body , with single opening having 2 clear chakras , also showing the mark of rosaryĀ -
Parijatahara Krishna Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Parijata Hara Krishna Shaligram Black color , 1 opening - 2 chakra , With clear Golden color Parijata leaf on the side . -
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Rare Big Size Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Rare Trirekha Lakshmi Narayana Shaligram Black color smooth body , single opening having 4 clear chakras , with lot of golden color , single chakra on the side .Ā -
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Vishvaksena Shaligram
Vishvaksena Shaligram Yellow color , 4 small opening - 2 chakras in each , single chakras , with other marks .Ā Ā -
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Laxmi Gopala Shaligram
Lakshmi Gopala Shaligram Ā Egg shape , black color body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , mark of vanamala , kalpavriksha , flute and ear rings .Ā -
Hayagriva Shaligram
Hygreive Shaligram Horse face Shape / Letter "C" ,Ā elephant gaod opening , black color , two clear chakras , mark of Lotus lines . -
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Bala Krishna Shaligram
Bal Krishna Salagram Round Shape ,Black color , Big forehead , Elongated Opening with 2 Clear Chakras at the centre of opening , Golden spots , depressed bottom , -
CudaMani Krishna Shaligram
CudaMani Krishna Salagram Black color ,Berry shapeĀ Single opening : 2 clear chakras , upward rekhas , mark of ear rings , vanamala marks . -
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