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Shankh Chakra Namah In Pure Copper
Product Name : Shankh Chakra Namah In Pure Copper Weight : 51 gms Dimension : 1.5 inches (height) , 2.50 inches (Base) Design : Shankha Chakra Namah In Pure Solid Copper by skilled artisans of South India. -
Gaja Laxmi In Pure Copper
Product Name : Gaja Laxmi In Pure Copper Weight : 47 gms Dimension : 1.5 inches (Height) * 2.5 inches (Base) Design : The Gajalaxmi idol is divinely crafted in pure copper by skilled artisians from south india. Goddess Gajalaxmi … Readmore -
Kurma Shaligram
Manoratha Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Shape body , Small opening on face side having two small chakras , one more opening on top side having chakras , mark of vanamala , kalpavriksha , surya rekhas . -
Janardhana Shaligram
Janardana Shaligram Two Equal opening having two equal chakras in each opening , mark of vanamala , mark of lotus . -
Janardhana Shaligram
Janardana Shaligram Two Equal opening having two small chakras in each opening , mark of vanamala , golden color spots , kundala mark , mark of shankha and mace . -
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Matsya Shaligram
Vira Matsya Shaligram Fish Shape , single opening having 2 clear chakras , with single chakra on the head side , mark of makara ear ring , mark of kalpavriksha and vanamala. -
Pattabhi Rama Shaligram
Catush Chakra Parivara Pattabhi Rama Shaligram 2 opening having 2 chakras in each (Toal 4 chakras) , Mark of Bow , Arrow , Quiver , With mark of Umbrella and chamara sign , Vanamala marks , Stable , golden color spots ,. -
Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram
Lakshmi Narasimha Shaligram Black color body , single opening having 2 clear chakras on the left side of opening, mark of fangs , mark of vanamala , lot of golden color impression inside the opening. -