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Parshuram Shaligram
RajaPujya ParashuRama Shaligram Single opening having two clear chakras , with spot on the chakra , mark of axe and fangs . -
Laxmi Gopala Shaligram
Lakshmi Gopala Shaligram 1 opening - 2 clear chakras , Mark of vanamala and kalpavriksha , ear ring marks , mark of flute , Golden spots . -
Super Collector 20 Mukhi Rudraksha
Twenty Face Rudraksha Java - Lab Certified Collector Size : 27 mm - 28 mm -
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Chaitanya MahaPrabhu Idols On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Product Name : Chaitanya MahaPrabhu Idols On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram Weight : 149 gms Dimension : 3.20 inches (height) * 2 inches (Width) Design : Beautiful Chaitanya MahaPrabhu Idol Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram of Gandaki River Nepal -
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Shri Gopala Shaligram
Shri Gopala Salagram Big Size , Round Body , Big Belly , Two opening sharing two same chakra , mark of vanamala , rosary , shankha , mace , chakra , padma , sword , -
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Adwaitya Blue Nilkanth Crystal MahaMrityunjaya Golden Kamala Laxmi Dasha MahaVidya Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Blue Nilkanth Crystal MahaMrityunjaya Golden Kamala Laxmi Dasha MahaVidya Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Dimension : 4 inches * 4 inches Weight : 467 gm Description : KAMALA : The name Kamala means she of … Readmore -
Laxmi Varaha Shaligram
Laxmi Bhu Varaha Shaligram Round shape , Black and Golden color , single opening having two clear joined chakras on the right side , with mark of vanamala . -
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DashakanthakulAntaka Rama Shaligram
DashakanthakulAntaka Rama Salagram Egg Shaped , black color , rekas on the side of opening , bow on the side , single opening having 2 clear chakras . -
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Padmanabha Shaligram
Camikara Padmanabha shaligram Black Color , Single opening having 2 chakras , White snake sign in the front , also showing golden color spots . -
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Sarvottam Shweta Crystal Padmavati Venkateshwara Shaligram
Product Name : Sarvottam Shweta Crystal Padmavati Venkateshwara Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 66 gm Dimension : 1.75 inches * 1.5 inches Description : Venkateshwara Shila is very rare, auspicious, powerful and exotic looking Shaligrama Shila. Like … Readmore -
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Super Collector 6 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal
Six Face Rudraksha of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 25 mm - 26 mm -
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Super Collector 6 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal
Six Face Rudraksha of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 25 mm - 26 mm -
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Shimshumara Shaligram
Shimshumara Shaligram Elongated body - shape like a scorpio , single opening having 2 chakras on face side , 2nd opening on tail side having two chakras , mark of scorpio , vanamala marks . -
Matsya Shaligram
Sushirankita Matsya Shaligram Black Color , Fish shape long body , single opening on head side having clear 2 Chakras , Clear single chakra on the tail side , also having hole/cavity on the tail side having two clear chakras , mark of vanamala , lotus lines , ear ring , kalpavriksha , fish sign . -
Keshav Shaligram
Keshava Shaligram Two single chakras , opposite to each other , rectangular shape , -
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Syamantaka Hari Shaligram
Syamantaka Hari Salagram Single opening - 2 clear chakras , vanamala marks and lot of golden spots , clear srivasta mark on the back side . -
Trijuti Rudraksha
GauriPath Rudraksha / Tribhagi Rudraksha / Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Rudraksha Size : 16 mm - 17 mm