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Collector 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal
Seven Face Rudraksha of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 24 mm - 25 mm -
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Soubhagya Varada Krishna Shaligram
Soubhagya Varada Krishna Shaligram Single opening having 2 equal chakras , Mark of Vanamala , Elephant goad mark , bow and arrow marks . -
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Vijaya Krishna Shaligram
Vijaya Krishna Salagram Black color , amla shape and size , Single opening having - 2 clear chakras , Mark of Bow, arrow , ear rings , mark of lotus , Golden color spots . -
Syamantaka Hari Shaligram
Syamantaka Hari Salagram Single opening - 2 clear chakras , with clear vanamala marks , also having Srivatsa mark on the side . -
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Bala Krishna Shaligram
Bal Krishna Salagram Dark Black color , Big forehead , Elongated Opening with 2 Clear Chakras at the centre of opening , Golden spots , lotus lines , kundala mark , vanamala marks , depressed bottom . -
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Ananta Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Ananta Salagram Smooth and cold to touch , 14 chakras , black color body , snake sign . -
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Ananta Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Ananta Salagram Smooth and cold to touch , 19 chakras , black color body , snake sign . -
Laxmi Bhu Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Laxmi Bhu Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 660 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : A beautiful sculpture of Lord Varaha With Goddess Laxmi and bhu devi in hoysala … Readmore -
Goddess Laxmi / Dhana Lakshmi Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Dhana Lakshmi Idol In Pure Copper -
Laxmi Narsimha With Adishesha In Pure Solid Copper – 6 Inches
Product Name : Laxmi Narsimha In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 1174 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) * 2.20 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Lord Narsimha artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled artisans of South India ,having five … Readmore -
Goddess Laxmi / Dhanya Lakshmi Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Dhanya Lakshmi Idol In Pure Copper -
Gardua Idol In Pure Solid Copper – 3 Inches
Lord Garuda - The Vahana Of Lord Vishnu In Pure Copper -
Lord Krishna / VenuGopal Krishna Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Lord Krishna / VenuGopal Krishna Idol In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 685 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : This Copper statue of VenuGopala is very impressive made in the hoysala … Readmore -
Laxmi Narsimha With Adishehsa In Pure Solid Copper – 5 Inches
Product Name : Laxmi Narsimha In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 515 gms Dimension : 5 inches (Height) * 2.10 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Lord Narsimha artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled artisans of South India , seated … Readmore -
GuruVayuRappan Idol in Pure Solid Copper – 6 inches
Product Name : GuruVayuRappan Idol in Pure Solid Copper Weight : 728 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful GuruVayurappan Idol Made in Pure Copper is artistically crafted in solid copper in hoysala Style … Readmore -
Laxmi Bhu Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Lord Varaha With Sridevi and Bhudevi in Pure Solid Copper -
Laxmi Bhu Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Laxmi Bhu Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 821 gms Dimension : 4.25 inches (Height) * 2.20 inches (Base) Design : A beautiful sculpture of Lord Varaha With Goddess Laxmi and bhu devi in hoysala … Readmore -
Lord Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper – 6 Inches
Product Name : Lord Varaha Idol In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 708 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : A beautiful sculpture of the avatar of Vishnu, Lord Varaha crafted in heavy copper by … Readmore