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Varaha Shaligram / Lakshmi Bhu Varaha Salagram
Lakshmi BhuVaraha Salagram Blue Black color , Elongated body Boar shape , Raised Back side , single opening having 2 clear chakras on the left side , with golden color spots , Mark of golden color fang ,mark of vanamala.  -
Shankara Narayana Shaligram
Shankara Narayana Shaligram Shaligram having two opening with 2 small chakras in each and having Clear shiva linga mark with golden color impression , golden color spots , mark of vanamala , lotus lines , kundala marks . -
Haihaya Shaligram
Haiyhaya Salagram Black color smooth body , Single small opening having 2 clear chakras deep inside with lot of golden color , clear two lotus lines near the opening , golden color near the opening , mark of vanamala. -
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Madhava Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Madhav Shaligram Honey color small size body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , dots , lotus sign . -
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LakshmiKanta Shaligram
Laxmi Kanta Shaligram Black color Round Shape body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , mark of snake , lotus and vanamala . -
Super Collector Size 17 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal
Collector Seventeen Face Rudraksha - Nepal Dimension :Â 34 mm - 35 mm -
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VataPatrashayi Shaligram
Black color body with lot of white mix color , Single opening having 2 clear chakras , with lot of golden color impression , mark of shankha on left and lotus on right side -
GarudaDadhvaja Shaligram
Garuda Dhvaja Shaligram Round shape , Black color , single opening with 2 clear chakras , with smooth filament , Golden color spots , Golden Color Vanamala . -
Damodar Shaligram
Laxmi Damodara Shaligram Big And Round Body , Small opening having 2 clear big chakras at the centre of opening , with lot of golden color impression , mark of Golden vanamala Covering the body , lotus lines , mark of white color dots. -
Vasudeva Shaligram
Nilotpala Vasudeva Shaligram Single Elongated opening having 2 clear chakras at the entrance of the opening ,With golden color impression , mark of lotus lines and snake near the opening . -
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Kamal Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Kamal Laxmi Narayan Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Dimension : 4 inches * 3.5 inches Weight : 418 gm -
Damodar Shaligram
Laxmi Damodara Shaligram Big And Round Body , Small opening having 2 clear big chakras at the centre of opening , with lot of golden color impression , mark of Golden vanamala , lotus lines , mark of white color lines . -
Matsya Shaligram
[embed][/embed] SriVatsa Matsya Shaligram Fish Shape , single opening having 2 clear chakras , Mark of Srivatsa and Vanamala . -
Aniruddha Shaligram
Aniruddha Shaligram Single Equal opening having 2 chakras , With lotus marks near the opening , mark of 3 lines . -
Kamsa Mardana Shaligram
Kamsa Mardana Krishna Shaligram Blue - Black color Body , Front one opening , side one opening , two clear chakras in each , With Lot of golden imression , Golden color spots . -
Damodar Shaligram
Nilamegha Damodara Shaligram Big And Round Body , Black color ,Single opening two clear chakras at the centre , Vanamala covering the body , mark of lines in central portion . -
DamshtriKarala Narsimha Shaligram
Black color ,Lion's Like Face , Bright like lion , Large opening with two clear chakras , hollow like a opening in the tree , mark of lotus lines , Golden color impression , mark of golden color vanamala . -
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Vaman Shaligram
Citrakundala Vamana Shaligram Small Size Black color Round shape body , single opening having 2 clear small chakras , mark of Makara Kundala (Fish shape ear ring) , golden Spots , mark of vanamala , lotus lines and rekhas , white color curd spots . -
Yoga Narsimha Shaligram
Yoga Narasimha Salagram Black color body , lions like face , big opening having two clear chakras on left side of opening , lotus mark on the left side , golden color impression . -
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Vamsha Gopala Krishna Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Black color , Round Shape Smooth body , single opening having 2 clear chakras , Vanamala marks , Mark of golden color Flute and dots . -
Kalki Shaligram
[embed][/embed] AnkushaKara Kalki Shaligram Blue Black color , Elongated opening , vanamala mark , Elephant goad opening having 2 clear chakras , upward rekhas , spear shape body , sowrd rekhas . -
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Vaman Shaligram
BhulabhaVamana Shaligram Small Size Black color Round shape body , single Elongated opening having 2 clear chakras , many lines on the side of the opening , mark of snuhi pushpa sign , and mark of golden color fangs .Â