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Hanuman Murti Carved On Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
Hanuman Idol Carved on Golden Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Collector 5 Mukhi Rudraksha
Five Face Rudraksha Of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 22 mm - 23 mm -
Bal Krishna Idol / Laddo Gopal Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Copper Idol Of Ambegalu Krishna / Butter Krishna -
Lord Vishnu Idol With Sridevi and Bhudevi In Copper – 5 Inches
Lord Vishnu With Consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi In Pure Solid Copper -
Bal Krishna Idol with Adishesha In Copper – 4.5 inches
Copper Idol Of Butter Bal Krishna with Adishesha -
Veda Vyasa Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Veda Vyasa Idol In Copper Weight : 375 gms Dimension : 4 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Description : Vyasa (Sanskrit: literally “Compiler”) is a central and revered figure in most Hindu traditions. He is also … Readmore -
Lord Vishnu Idol In Copper -3 Inches
Product Name : Lord Vishnu Idol In copper Weight : 185 gms Dimension : 3 inches (Height) * 1.5 inches (Base) Design : Lord Vishnu with four armed holding shankh , chakra , lotus and mace , seated on lotus … Readmore -
Goddess Raja Rajeshwari Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Maa Raja Rajeshwari In Copper Weight : 435 gms Dimension : 4.20 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : Majestic Idol of Goddess Raja Rajeshwari brilliantly crafted in heavy Copper looks exceptionally mesmerizing and divine. Truly … Readmore -
Goddess Varahi Idol In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Goddess Varahi Idol In Copper Weight : 441 gms Dimension : 4 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : Enlighten you dwelling with this rare Idol of Goddess Varahi magnificently crafted in Copper. Goddess Varahi is … Readmore -
Lord Kaal Bhairav In Pure Solid Copper – 5 inches
Product Name : Lord Kaal Bhairav In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 475 gms Dimension : 5 inches (Height) * 2 inches (Base) Design : This graceful Idol features Lord Bhairav accompanied with dog brilliantly crafted in Copper by artisans … Readmore -
Rare Valampuri Shankh / Dakshinavarti Shankh
Valampuri Shankh / Dakshinavarti Shankh / Right handed Shankh / Sri Lakshmi Shankh -
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Gopala Rama Shaligram
Gopala Rama Shaligram / Kalinashaka Rama Shaligram Black color , Garland mark , golden earrings mark , golden dots , mark of bow and arrow , -
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Murari Shaligram
Small size , Centre opening , Two circulars in centre of opening , with lotus mark on the right side . -
Vaman Shaligram
Dadhibudbuda Vamana Shaligram Round body , single opening having 2 small chakras , curd spots -
Vasudeva Shaligram
Pugiphala Vasudeva Shaligram Small and Round shape , Single opening having 2 chakra at the entrance of the opening , white color , golden color spots -
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Madhava Shaligram
Madhav Shaligram Honey color body , Single opening having two clear chakra at the centre -
Vasudeva Shaligram
Pugiphala Vasudeva Shaligram Small and Round shape , Single opening having 2 chakra at the entrance of the opening . -
Vaman Shaligram
Raktanila Vamana Shaligram single opening having 2 small chakras , reddish blue color body , spot of curds . -
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Bala Krishna Shaligram
Bala Krishna Shaligram elongated opening with 2 clear small chakras , big forehead , dots