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Laxmi Narsimha Shaligram
Lakshmi Narasimha Shaligram Black color body , single opening having 2 big clear chakras , mark of fangs , mark of vanamala . -
Yoga Narsimha Shaligram
Yoga Narasimha Salagram Lions like face , Reddish brown color body , Single opening having 2 big chakras at the centre of body , mark of lotus lines near the opening , mark of vanamala .  -
Aghora Narsimha Shaligram
Aghora Narasimha Shaligram Black color ,Terrible Wide opening , with fangs , Single opening - Two large chakras , mark of vanamala , golden color spots . Â -
DamshtriKarala Narsimha Shaligram
Lion's Like Face , Bright like lion , Large opening with two clear chakras , mark of fang with lot of golden color inside the opening , hollow like a opening in the tree . -
Hayagriva Shaligram
Hygreive Shaligram Horse face Shape / Letter "C" , elephant gaod opening , black color , two clear chakras , Lotus mark , mark of lines . -
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Gadakara Krishna Shaligram
Gadakara Krishna Salagram Black color , smooth body , single opening having 2 big chakras , golden spots , mark of the mace , Golden color vanamala. -
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Sanatana Krishna Shaligram
Sanatana Krishna Shaligram Black color and smooth body, single opening having 2 big chakras , with lot of golden color impression inside and outside the opening , mark of Golden color makara kundala (Fish shape Ear rings) , mark of vanamala , srivatsa mark . -
Rudraksha Mala – 1008 Beads
Rudraksha Beads Mala - 1008 Beads Strung in Traditional Style Knots -
11 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala – 108+1 Beads
Ekadash Rudra Mala - 109 Beads Bead size : 10 mm - 11 mm -
Rare 9 Mukhi Rudraksha Durga Kantha – Nepal
9 Mukhi Durga Shakti Kantha Nepal Beads Strung In Traditional Style With Knots and Woolen Spacers -
Rudraksha Chikna Beads Mala In Pure Silver – 6 mm
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Chikna Beads Mala -
Rudraksha Chikna Beads Mala In Pure Silver – 8 mm
5 Mukhi Rudraksha Chikna Beads MalaÂ