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Vaman Murti Carved On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Lord Vaman Murti Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Lord Vishnu On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Product Name :Â Lord Vishnu On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram Dimension :Â 1.5 inches (height) * 1 inches (Base) Weight : 31 gm -
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Narsimha Murti Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Vibhava Narasimha Murti Narsimha who is the Best in Calm Mood  -
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Narsimha Murti Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Vibhava Narasimha Murti Narsimha who is the Best in Calm Mood  -
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Laxmi Narayan Murti Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Lakshmi Narayana Murti Carved on Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Lord Vishnu On Garuda Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Stroy of Gajendra Moksha Lord Vishnu Sitting on Garuda Protect Elephant (Gajendra) From Crocodile -
Shree Yantra Maha Meru In Panchdhatu – Hollow In Centre (DeviPuram)
Product Name : Shree Yantra Maha Meru – Hollow In Centre Weight : 1785 gms (approx) Dimensions of Wooden Base : 8 inches * 8 inches (Base) Dimension of Shree Yantra : 5 inches * 5 inches (Base) / 3.5 … Readmore -
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Lord Vishnu On Garuda Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Stroy of Gajendra Moksha Lord Vishnu Sitting on Garuda Protect Elephant (Gajendra) From Crocodile -
Sphatik Diamond Cutting Kantha – 55 Beads
Sphatik Kantha Diamond Cutting - LAB CERTIFIED Â -
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Lord Vishnu With Sridevi and Bhudevi On Sudarshan Shaligram
Lord Vishnu With Sridevi and Bhudevi Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram Lord Vishnu With Manifested Energy and Fertility -
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Narsimha Murti Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Shodasha Bahu Narasimha Carved on Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Durga Idol In Pure BrassÂ
Product Name : Durga Idol In Pure Brass Weight : 980 gms Dimension : 5.5 inches (height) , Description : This sacred Idol of Goddess Durga seated on a Lion is crafted in heavy brass. Goddess is seen seated with … Readmore -
Durga Idol In Pure BrassÂ
Product Name : Durga Idol In Pure Brass Weight : 1180 gms Dimension : 6 inches (height) , Base : 4 inches * 2.5 inches Description : This sacred Idol of Goddess Durga seated on a Lion is crafted in … Readmore -
Sphatik Mala In Silver – 5 MM – 109 Beads
Sphatik Mala With In Silver Flower Caps Quartz Crystal Mala In Silver -
Sphatik Lingam Mala In Silver – 9 MM
Sphatik Mala Diamond Cutting Lingam Shape Beads In Pure silver Quartz Crystal Mala Lingam Shape Diamond Cutting Beads -
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Sacred Adwaitya Gauranga Chaitanya Maha Prabhu Nityananda Gadadhara Pandita Adwaitya Acharya Srivasa Thakura Panch Tatwa Shaligram
Product name : Sacred Adwaitya Gauranga Chaitanya Maha Prabhu Nityananda Gadadhara Pandita Adwaitya Acharya Srivasa Thakura Panch Tatwa Shaligram Weight : 47 gm Dimension : 2 inches * 1.5 inches Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Description : In Gaudiya Vaishnavism … Readmore -
Murari Shaligram
Single opening having 2 clear chakras , with lot of golden color , Mark of lotus of the right side . -
Sacred Adwaitya Gauranga Chaitanya Maha Prabhu Nityananda Gadadhara Pandita Adwaitya Acharya Srivasa Thakura Panch Tatwa Shaligram
Product name : Sacred Adwaitya Gauranga Chaitanya Maha Prabhu Nityananda Gadadhara Pandita Adwaitya Acharya Srivasa Thakura Panch Tatwa Shaligram Weight : 68 gm Dimension : 2 inches * 2 inches Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Description : In Gaudiya Vaishnavism … Readmore -
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Adwaitya Yellow Kamal Laxmi Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Yellow Kamal Laxmi Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Dimension : 2 inches * 2 inches Weight : 57 gm Description : The worship of Mahalaxmi shaligram bestows the devotee with extremely good health and wealth. … Readmore -
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Kamakhya Devi Shilla
Product Name : Kamakhya Devi Shilla Weight : 59 gms Dimension : 2 inches * 1.5 inchesÂ