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Green Sunstone Shivaling – 491 gms
Green Sunstone Shivling Auspicious Shivling is Carved in 100 % Pure Natural Glittering Sunstone . -
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Sarvottam Ladoo Gopal Govind Narayan Shaligram
Product Name : Sarvottam Ladoo Gopal Govind Narayan Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River of Nepal Dimension : 3.5 inches * 3.5 inches Weight : 669 gm Description : Govinda Salagramam can be described as : i) Black in colour and … Readmore -
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Adwaitya Golden Surya Sudarshan Kamal Laxmi Dhanvantari Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Golden Surya Sudarshan Kamal Laxmi Dhanvantari Shaligram Weight : 310 gm Dimension : 3 inches * 3 inches Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Description : The worship of Dhanvantry Shaligram bestows the devotee with good health … Readmore -
Shesha Shaligram
Shesha Salagram Black color , appearnce like a coiled up snake , clear mark of kundala , snake , vanamala , and kalpavriksha . -
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Sacred Adwaitya Janeyudhari Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Trinity Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Janeyudhari Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Trinity Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 70 gm Dimension : 2 inches * 1.50 inches Significance of Trijuti Shaligram The other powers of this special Shila is that … Readmore -
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Sarvottam Golden Laxmi Hrishikesha Shaligram
Product Name : Sarvottam Golden Laxmi Hrishikesha Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Dimension : 1.25 inches * 1.25 inches Weight : 51 Gms . Description : According to “Skanda Purana,( Nagarckhanda, 244. 3-9) & ” Praanatoshanitantra (page 348-351)” : … Readmore -
Adwaitya Golden Gadadhara Maha Vishnu Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Golden Gadadhara Maha Vishnu Shaligram Weight : 124 gm Dimension : 2 inches * 2 inches Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Description : The term Vishnu is dissolved as Veveshti Vyaapnoti iti Vishnuh-That which pervades every- … Readmore -
Matsya Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Chitravarna Matsya Shaligram Fish shape , smooth and long body , Two chakras at the centre of the opening , mark of vanamala , -
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Rare Golden Sudarshan Adwaitya Acharya Harihara ShaligramÂ
Product Name : Rare Golden Sudarshan Adwaitya Acharya Harihara Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 100 gms Dimension : 2.5 inches * 1.5 inches Description : Advaita Acharya is a combined incarnation of Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva … Readmore -
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Adwaitya Golden Surya Laxmi Kuber Shaligram
Product Name : Adwaitya Golden Surya Laxmi Kuber Shaligram Dimension : 4.5 inches * 4.5 inches Weight : 526 gm Description : Laxmi Kuber is the goddess of fortune, which usually and simplistically translates Her as wealth. But the actual … Readmore