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Venkateswara Murti
Tirupati Balaji / Srinivasa / Venkatewara Murti Carved on Natural Sudarshan Shaligram  -
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Kartikeya Murti / Lord Subramanya Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Murugan Murti /Â Subramanya Carved On Golden Sudershan Shaligram -
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Kartikeya Murti / Lord Subramanya Carved On Sudarshan Shaligram
Murugan Murti /Â Subramanya Carved On Golden Sudershan Shaligram -
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Panduranga Murti / Vitthal Murti
Panduranga / Vitthal Murti Carved on Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram  -
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Panduranga Murti / Vitthal Murti
Panduranga / Vitthal Murti Carved on Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram  -
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Ladoo Gopal Murti / Bal Krishna Murti On Natural Shaligram
Beautiful Ladoo Gopal Murti Carved on Natural Shaligram -
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Durga Murti Carved On Natural Sudarshan Shaligram
Mahishasura Mardini Murti Carved on Sudarshan Shaligram -
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Vaikuntha Shaligram
Small Round opening having single chakra and presence of sphatik / crystal , with clear lotus lines on his body . -
Dashavatar Idols In Pure Copper
Product Name : Dashavatar Idols In Pure Copper Weight : 611 gms Dimension : 2 inches (approx.) Design : The divine Dashavatar set depicts the 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Pure copper . The Idols are carved finely by … Readmore -
Lord Kuber Idol In Pure Copper
Product Name : Lord Kuber Idol In Pure Copper Weight : 101 gms Dimension : 2 inches (Height) / 1 inches * 0.5 inches (Base) Design : Lord Kuber Idol in pure copper is artistically crafted in solid copper by … Readmore -
Lord Srinivasa with consorts Sridevi Bhudevi With Peeta Prabhavali In Pure Solid Copper
Balaji Set / Perumal Set In Copper With Peeta Prabhavali in Pure Solid Copper -
Udupi Krishna Idol In Pure Solid Copper – 6 Inches
Product Name : Udupi Krishna Idol In Copper Weight : 640 gms Dimension : 6 inches (Height) * 2.20 inches (Base) Design : Design :Â Beautiful Udupi Krishna Made in Pure Copper is artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled … Readmore -
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Vijaya Krishna Shaligram
Vijaya Krishna Salagram Black color , amla shape and size , Single opening having - 2 clear chakras , Mark of Bow and arrow. -
Sanatana Krishna Shaligram
Sanatana Krishna Shaligram Black color , 1 opening - 2 Big chakras with Golden Color impression inside and outside the opening -
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Kurma Shaligram
Manoratha Kurma Shaligram Tortoise Like Face with two chakras on the face , Hump Back , Bright color . -
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Sanatana Krishna Shaligram
Sanatana Krishna Shaligram Single opening having 2 clear chakras with lot of golden color inside the body . -
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Vaman Shaligram
Dadhibudbuda Vamana Shaligram single opening having 2 small chakras ,curd spots .Â