VataPatrashayi Shaligram
Available: In stock
Black color body ,Single opening having 2 clear chakras , mark of shankha sign on left side with white color impression and lotus sign on right side , also showing the mark of Vatapatra (leaf of banyan tree) with white and yellow color impression .
₹ 12,500.00
Product Name : VataPatrashayi Shaligram
Origin : Gandaki River Nepal
Weight : 131 gms
Dimension : 3.20 inches * 2 inches
Lakshan Shaloka :
vaTapatrashAyI bhagavAn vartulo apyatishobhana:| kShIrabinduvapyettanna shvetaprabhastathA| cakrasya vAmata: shankham dakShiNe padyameva ca||
Meaning :
Shaligram having round shape; white dots; white mixed color; left side of chakra, shanka sign and right side lotus sign; 1 opening – 2 chakras , is known as VataPatrashayi Shaligram
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