Achyuta Shaligram

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Acyuta Salagram

4 opening – 2 chakras in each , with single chakra , markof kundala , shankha , chakra , mace , bow , arrow , sword , pestle , flag , umbrella , lotus and elephant goad sign . 



Product Name : Achyuta Shaligram / Acyuta Salagram

Origin : Gandaki River Nepal

Weight : 63 gm

Dimension : 2 inches * 2 inches

Description :
Acyuta is the name of Vishnu and appears as the 100th and 318th names in the Vishnu sahasranama. This is also the name often used in Bhagavad Gita as a personal name of Krishna, svayam bhagavan. According to Adi Sankara’s commentary on the Vishnu sahasranama, Acyutah means One who will never lose His inherent nature and powers (i.e. one who is infallible). The name also means One who is without the six transformations beginning with birth.

Lakshan Shaloka : 

caturbhir aShTacakraistu vAma dakShiNa pArshvagai:| adhiShTito mukhe ramya: kunDaladvaya shobhita: || shankhacakra gadA shArnga bANa koumodakI dhara:| musaladhvaja puShpaishca chatra vajrAnkushairvruta:| so acyuta: kathito nAmnA durlabhas tapasA vinA||

Meaning : 

Shaligram having 4 vadana – 8 chakras on the right or left sides; kundalas; shanka, chakra, mace, bow, arrow, sword, pestle, flag, umbrella and lotus, elep goad signs is known as Acyuta Shaligram 



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