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Shankara Narayana Shaligram
Shankara Narayana Shaligram Shaligram having two opening with 2 small chakras in each and having Clear shiva linga mark with golden color impression , golden color spots , mark of vanamala , lotus lines , kundala marks . -
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Varaha Shaligram / Lakshmi Bhu Varaha Salagram
Lakshmi BhuVaraha Salagram Blue Black color , Elongated body Boar shape , Raised Back side , single opening having 2 clear chakras on the left side , with golden color spots , Mark of golden color fang ,mark of vanamala.  -
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Kalki Shaligram
AnkushaKara Kalki Shaligram Blue Black color , Elongated opening , vanamala mark , Elephant goad opening having 2 clear chakras , upward rekhas , spear shape body , mark of vanamala . -
Sita Rama Shaligram
DviChakra SitaRama Shaligram single opening having 2 chakras with golden color spots , mark of vanamala , surya rekhas , mark of bow , arrow and quiver . -
Ugra Narsimha Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Ugra Narasimha Salagram Lion Like Face , Reddish Tinge color , single opening having 2 Equal chakras , with fang marks , mark of vanamala and lotus lines . -
BaddhaChakra Narsimha Shaligram
Baddha Chakra Narasimha Shaligram Lions face , Two joined chakras inside the opening , Golden color spots , Fang marks -
Hayagriva Shaligram
Hygreive Shaligram Horse face Shape / Letter "C" , elephant gaod opening , black color , two clear chakras , mark of rosary , book , mark of lotus lines . -
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Shridhara Shaligram
Shridhara Salagram Black color and smooth body , Blackberry (jamun) Shape , Single opening having 2 clear chakras at right side of the opening , vanamala mark , golden spots . -
Yoga Narsimha Shaligram
Yoga Narasimha Salagram Black color body , lions like face , single opening having two clear chakras , lotus mark on the left side , golden color spots , dots , vanamala , -
Jwala Narsimha Shaligram
Jwala Narasimha Shaligram Big opening , Lion's Face , Clear Fangs Marks Near the opening , with 2 Big Chakras , Golden Color Impression . -
Dashavatar Idols on Natural Golden Sudarshan Shaligram
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Tirupati Balaji In Natural Gomed – 37.95 Carats
Venkateshwara , Srinivasa , Tirupati Balaji In Natural Gomed -
Tirupati Balaji In Natural Gomed – 42.15 Carats
Venkateshwara , Srinivasa , Tirupati Balaji In Natural Gomed -
Lord Shiva in Pure Solid Copper – 3 inches
Product Name : Lord Shiva in Pure Solid Copper Weight : 295 gms Dimension : 3 inches (Height) / 2 inches * 1.10 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Small Size Lord Shiva is artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled … Readmore -
Panchmukhi Hanuman In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Panchmukhi Hanuman In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 560 gms Dimension : 5.20 inches (Height) / 2 inches * 2 inches (Base) Design : Panchmukhi Hanuman Made in Pure Copper is artistically crafted in solid copper by … Readmore -
Super Collector Size 14 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal
Collector Fourteen Face Rudraksha - Nepal - Lab Certified Size : Â 32 mm - 33 mm -
Rare Super Collector Size 14 Mukhi Rudraksha With Complete 14 Seeds – Nepal
Rare Super Collector Size 14 Mukhi Rudraksha With Complete 14 Seeds - Nepal Size : Â 37 mm - 38 mm