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Bala Krishna / Laddo Krishna In Sphatik – 80 gms
Beautiful Bala Krishna Made in Natural Quartz Crystal - Lab Certified -
Narmada Shivling Kantha Mala In Panchdhatu
Product Name : Narmada Shivling Kantha Mala In Panchdhatu Number of Nardeshwar : 27 Weight : 300 gm Length of Mala : 48 inches // 24 inches (When mala is in U Shape) Dimension of Nardeshwar : 1.25 inches Description … Readmore -
Lord Hanuman Idol In Pure Silver
Product Name : Lord Hanuman Idol In Pure Silver Weight : 37 gms Dimension : 1.80 inches (Height) Design : Lord Hanuman Made in Pure Solid Silver is artistically crafted by skilled artisans of South India. Hanuman is standing with … Readmore -
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Maa SkandaMata Navdurga Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Maa SkandaMata Navdurga Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 155 gm Dimension : 3 inches * 2 inches Description : Skandhamata: The fifth aspect of Mother Durga is known as Skandamata. She is … Readmore -
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Sarvottam Laxmi Sudarshan Kamdhenu Kalpavriksha Shaligram
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Canura Mardana Shaligram
Chanura Mardanam Shaligram Elephant Trunk Like Shape , small opening having 2 clear chakras , red color spots on chakra , red color dots on body , depressed bottom . -
Janardhana Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Putralabha Janardana Shaligram Black color , Clear showing two equal opening having 2 chakras in each of them , lotus lines , golden color spots . -
GarudaDadhvaja Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Garuda Dhvaja Shaligram Round shape , Black color , single opening with 2 clear chakras , with smooth filament , Golden color spots , Vanamala lines , -
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Adwaitya Golden Surya Kalpavriksha Laxmi Kuber Shaligram
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Shesha Shaligram
Sudarshan Shesha Ananta Padmanabha Shaligram Shaligram shape like a coiled up snake , with 2 clear chakras and golden spots , also having one more opening in centre with golden chakra .