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Sarvottam Yellow Laxmi Venkateshwara Shaligram
Product Name : Sarvottam Yellow Laxmi Venkateshwara Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 131 gm Dimension : 2.25 inches * 2 inches Description : Venkateshwara Shila is very rare, auspicious, powerful and exotic looking Shaligrama Shila. Like Lord … Readmore -
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VishvaRupa Shaligram
Rare VishvaRupa Shaligram Many opening having many chakras more than 20 , mark of bow , arrow , quiver , plough , kundala (ear ring) , shankha , mace , lotus , vanamala , kalpavriksha , axe , ankusha (elephant goad) , mark of hooded snake , garuda , cow foot print , sword , pestle , flag ,umbrella , chamara , parshava chakra and many more . -
Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Rare AnjanaCala Lakshmi Narayana Shaligram Black color , smooth berry shape body , single opening having 4 chakras , with lot of golden color impression , -
Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Rare TriChakra Lakshmi Narayana Shaligram Single opening having 3 chakras , mark of mace , shankha , lotus , vanamala and Koustubha sign -
Govardhana Gopala Shaligram
Govarddhana Gopala Shaligram Round Shape Black color body , Depressed head , Half moon like opening having 2 clear chakras , clear mark of vanamala , lotus lines , ear rings , Golden color spots , white color dots , cow foot print . -
DamshtriKarala Narsimha Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Round shape and Black color body ,Lion's Like Face , Bright like lion , Large opening with two clear chakras , mark of big fangs, hollow like a opening in the tree , mark of dots and lotus lines . -
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Trivikrama Shaligram
Trivikrama Shaligram 1 opening - 2 clear chakras ,with lot of golden color , single chakra on the bottom side ., -
Sacred Adwaitya Golden MahaGauri Navdurga Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden MahaGauri Navdurga Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 199 gm Dimension : 2.5 inches * 2.25 inches Description : Mahagauri: The eighth potency of mother Durga is Mahagauri. Her complexion is extremely fair. … Readmore -
RajaRajeshwara Shaligram
RajaRajeshwari Salagram Three opening having 2 chakras in each , with single chakra , mark of lotus lines , mark of shankha , mark of bow . -
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Ananta Shaligram
Ananta Salagram Mix color body , 7 opening having 2 chakras in each , also showing single chakra on side , golden spots , mark of snake , mark of shankha and lotus , vanamala , golden color spots , -
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Sacred Adwaitya Golden Maa KaalRatri Navdurga Shaligram
Product Name : Sacred Adwaitya Golden Maa KaalRatri Navdurga Shaligram Origin : Gandaki River Nepal Weight : 311 gm Dimension : 3 inches * 3 inches Description : Kaalratri: Kaalratri form of mother Durga is her seventh form in the sequence … Readmore