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ShriSahaya Shaligram
Shaligram having 2 opening having 2 chakras in each , Lotus marks , also having single chakra and Vanamala marks -
RaghuNatha Shaligram
Raghunath Shaligram 2 opening - 4 chakras , With Mark of Cow Footprint on side . -
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Govinda Shaligram / Rare Govinda Dashavtar Salagram
Rare Govinda Dashavtar Salagram Black color , 5 opening having 2 chakras in each , Total : 10 chakras , Mark of Mace (gada) , Mark of Mountain , Depression at the centre , Golden color dots , lotus lines -
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Collector Trijuti Rudraksha
GauriPath Rudraksha / Tribhagi Rudraksha / Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Rudraksha Dimension : 34 mm - 35 mm -
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Tirupati Balaji In Natural Columbian Green Jade -1274 gms
Venkateshwara , Srinivasa , Tirupati Balaji In Natural Columbian Green Jade -
Ebony Mala / Karungali Mala – 10 mm – 109 Beads
Product Name : Ebony Mala / Karungali Mala – 10 mm – 109 Beads Number of Beads : 108 + 1 Dimension of Beads : 10 mm Design : Selected Natural Unpolished Ebony beads mala having traditional Knots after each … Readmore -
Putra Jeeva Mala
Product Name : Putra Jeeva Mala Number of Beads : 108+1 Description : Putra Jeeva Mala is made using 108 seeds from the Putrajeeva tree. The Putra Jeeva Mala is also known as Putra Prapti Mala and Santan Gopal Mala … Readmore -
Haldi Turmeric Mala
Product Name : Haldi Turmeric Mala Number of Beads : 108+1 Dimension of Beads : 7 mm Description : This healing mala endowed with vibrant hue of sunshine yellow crafted from natural rhizomes of turmeric is worn for health and … Readmore -
White Sandalwood Mala – 6 mm
Product Name : White Sandalwood mala – 6 mm Number of Beads : 108 + 1 Length of the mala : 28 inches (from ist bead till last bead) / 14 inches (U turn around the neck) Design : High … Readmore -
White Sandalwood Mala – 8 mm
Product Name : White Sandalwood mala – 8 mm Number of Beads : 108 + 1 Length of the mala : 36 inches (from ist bead till last bead) / 18 inches (U turn around the neck) Design : High … Readmore -
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Yellow Sapphire – 8.62 Carat
[embed][/embed] Pukhraj - 8.62 Carats - Ceylonese Unheated / Untreated -
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Collector 19 Mukhi Rudraksha
Collector Nineteen Face Rudraksha - Nepal Dimension : 31 mm - 32 mm -
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Gadadhara Shaligram
Round body having single small opening with two clear chakras , having mark of lotus near opening and also clear shankha mark of the side . -
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RajaRajeshwara Shaligram
Two Opening on top side having 2 chakras in each , also having 2 single chakras near the two opening , also having single chakra on the side , Total 7 chakras , mark of umbrella , bow , arrow and quiver . -
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RaghuNatha Shaligram
Raghunath Shaligram 2 opening - 4 chakras , With Mark of Cow Footprint on side . -
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Rare Valampuri Shankh / Dakshinavarti Shankh
Valampuri Shankh / Dakshinavarti Shankh / Right handed Shankh / Sri Lakshmi Shankh -
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Rare Valampuri Shankh / Dakshinavarti Shankh
Valampuri Shankh / Dakshinavarti Shankh / Right handed Shankh / Sri Lakshmi Shankh -
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Adwaitya Shweta SaptaRishi GadaDhara Pandita Chaitanya Gauran Gaura Nitai Srivas Thakura Shaligram
Shaligram having 3 small opening with 2 small chakras in each and other marks . -
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Rare Govinda Dashavtar Shaligram
Govinda Salagram Black color , 5 opening having 2 chakras in each , Total : 10 chakras , with 2 small single chakras , with other marks . -
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Ananta Shaligram
Ananta Salagram Smooth and cold to touch ,6 opening - 2 chakras in each , with 2 single clear chakra on the sides , with other marks . -
Laxmi Narsimha In Pure Solid Copper – 5 Inches
Product Name : Laxmi Narsimha In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 621 gms Dimension : 5 inches (Height) * 2.10 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Lord Narsimha artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled artisans of South India , seated … Readmore -
Laxmi Narsimha With Garuda In Pure Solid Copper
Product Name : Laxmi Narsimha With Garuda In Pure Solid Copper Weight : 616 gms Dimension : 5.80 inches (Height) , 2.20 * 1.80 inches (Base) Design : Beautiful Laxmi Narsimha artistically crafted in solid copper by skilled artisans of … Readmore