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Collector 12 Mukhi Ganesha Rudraksha – Nepal
Collector Twelve Face Ganesh Rudraksha Of Nepal - Lab Certified Size : 25 mm - 26 mm -
Collector 14 Mukhi Rudraksha – Nepal
Collector Fourteen Face Rudraksha - Nepal - Lab Certified Size : 28 mm - 29 mm -
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Sharva Shaligram
Sharva Salagram Round body , Clear 5 linga marks , mark of cow foot print , vanamalas and other marks . -
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Ananta Shaligram
Ananta Salagram Smooth and cold to touch , 9 opening having 2 chakras in each , -
VanaRama Shaligram
VanaRama Salagram 3 circular (one opening - 2 chakra + 1 Parshav chakra) , mark of bow , arrow , quiver -
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SankarShana Shaligram
SankarShana Shaligram Single opening having 2 clear chakra , clear mark of shankha , mace , kurma and matsya marks . -
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HiranyaGrabha Shaligram
Round and Black Color body, smooth and shiny , lot of golden color marks and dots , no opening - no chakra . -
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Tarkshya Shaligram / Garuda Murti Shaligram
Garuda Murti Shaligram Shape like a Pillar , Two garuda sign , 1 opening - 2 equal chakras , Gold Spots , Vanamala marks , lotus lines . -
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Laxmi Sudarshan Shaligram
Dwimukhi Lakshmi Sudarshan Shaligram / Shamasudarshan shaligram Two chakras next to each other , no opening , upward side , mark of lotus lines . -
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Jagadyoni shaligram
JagadYoni Shaligram Reddish color small size round body , small opening having 2 small chakra on the entrance of opening , red color spots on the chakra , red color dots . -
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Maha Vishnu Sudarshan Shaligram
MahaVishnu Sudarshan shaligram Black Chakra , chakra like lines (not regular chakra) -
Collector 3 Mukhi Rudraksha
Three Face Rudraksha Of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 20 mm -
8 Mukhi Ganesha Rudraksha
Eight Face Ganesha Rudraksh of Nepal - Lab Certified Size : 21 mm - 22 mm -
8 Mukhi Ganesha Rudraksha
Eight Face Ganesha Rudraksh of Nepal - Lab Certified Size : 20 mm - 21 mm -
Nirankar Rudraksha
Product Name : Nirankar Rudraksha Origin : Nepal Dimension : 17.41 mm * 18.02 mm * 18.16 mm Description : The faceless rudraksha – the one without any face (mukhi) – round and perfect with a natural hole befits its … Readmore -
Nirankar Rudraksha
Product Name : Nirankar Rudraksha Origin : Nepal Dimension : 20.66 mm * 19.60 mm * 18.74 mm Description : The faceless rudraksha – the one without any face (mukhi) – round and perfect with a natural hole befits its … Readmore -
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Collector 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepal
Seven Face Rudraksha of Nepal - Lab Certified Collector Size : 25 mm -
Kshirabdisayee Shaligram
Single chakra , chakra like lines , Vanamala marks , Shankha , Mace , Lotus and Sword sign , Sign of Snake with other marks -
Shesha Shaligram
Sudarshan Shesha Ananta Padmanabha Shaligram Shaligram shape like a coiled up snake , with 2 clear chakras and golden spots , also having one more opening in centre with golden chakra . -
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Adwaitya Golden Surya Kalpavriksha Laxmi Kuber Shaligram
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GarudaDadhvaja Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Garuda Dhvaja Shaligram Round shape , Black color , single opening with 2 clear chakras , with smooth filament , Golden color spots , Vanamala lines , -
Janardhana Shaligram
[embed][/embed] Putralabha Janardana Shaligram Black color , Clear showing two equal opening having 2 chakras in each of them , lotus lines , golden color spots . -
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Canura Mardana Shaligram
Chanura Mardanam Shaligram Elephant Trunk Like Shape , small opening having 2 clear chakras , red color spots on chakra , red color dots on body , depressed bottom . -
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Sarvottam Laxmi Sudarshan Kamdhenu Kalpavriksha Shaligram