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Laxmi Narayan Shaligram
Rare AnjanaCala Lakshmi Narayana Shaligram Round And black color body , single opening having 4 chakras , vanamala mark , flag mark , goad mark , white lines , yellow and golden color spots . -
Pattabhi Rama Shaligram
ChatushChakra Parivara Pattabhi Rama Shaligram Black color , smooth body , 2 opening having 2 chakras in each , mark of vanamala , bow , arrow quiver mark , mark of umbrella and chamara sign . -
Damodar Shaligram
Kapila Damodara Shaligram Big And Round Body , Black color ,Small opening two clear chakras at the centre , with clear golden color spots , Clear mark of lotus lines near the opening , -
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Parshuram Shaligram
RajaPujya ParashuRama Shaligram Single opening having two clear chakras , with spot on the chakra , mark of axe and fangs . -
Laxmi Gopala Shaligram
Lakshmi Gopala Shaligram  1 opening - 2 clear chakras , Mark of vanamala and kalpavriksha , ear ring marks , mark of flute , Golden spots . -
Super Collector 20 Mukhi Rudraksha
Twenty Face Rudraksha Java - Lab Certified Collector Size : 27 mm - 28 mm -