Sita Rama Shaligram
DviChakra SitaRama Shaligram
single opening having 2 chakras with golden color spots , mark of vanamala , surya rekhas , mark of bow , arrow and quiver .
₹ 6,500.00
Product Name : Sita Rama Shaligram / Dvichakra Sita Rama Shaligram
Origin : Gandaki River Nepal
Dimension : 2 inches * 1.5 inches
Weight : 60 gm
Lakshan Shaloka :
kR^iShNa varNo dhanu: pArshve vanamAlopashObhita:| bhAnUstrayasamAyukta: svarNabindu samastaka:| jAnakI vallabhou rAmasva abhIShTaphalada: shubha:
Meaning :
Shaligram having black color; bow on the side;vanamala;surya reka; gold spots on the head; 1 opening – 2 chakras is known as “DviChakra SitaRama Shaligram”
Sita Ram is that form of the Shila where Lord Ram is presence with Sita Mata. Ram and Sita represent an ideal pair with immense love, affection, feeling of sacrifice for each other and respect for each other existence. The worshipper of Shila can develop a very good and healthy relationship with in family members and relatives. The Shila is very protective in nature and bestows the devotee with all the worldly comforts. The Shila removes all negativity from the environment of the devotee and bring positive energies to him. The worshipper earns respect, dignity and fame in the society and always remains in the peaceful environment. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, cold to touch, has flawless impressions.
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